Those sites are certainly as good as it gets. And, they have the golf courses now built upon them to prove it.
But as most folks who participate here know, I'm a cheerleader for the Sand Hills area of Nebraska. I believe I can find the equal in actual sand terrain and frequency of rolls and interesting topo to equal CW or Barnygoogles. It is just that the Sand Hills lacks a large body of scenic water.
I think that we may see a site that is the equal at the coming debut of Sand Valley in WI.
Where there is quality sand, interesting topography, and abundant irrigation water, and weather conditions to grow turf, there can be outstanding golf.
Cape Kidnappers was not pure sand. There can be great golf without the sand, but it takes talent with earth moving and shaping, and imagination. So, many diverse sites can yield great golf. We have a world full of examples.
Great sites exist in natural settings or within great GCA minds imagination.