Trying to piece together a biography on William Watson isn't the easiest task, but it does lead to a few history lessons.
Watson was what some on this site would call an "itinerant pro." Personally, I am not a fan of the phrase, and prefer "early professional." The word itinerant makes them sound like a tinker, wandering the countryside looking for golf work. In reality, I believe these experts were called upon, sometimes from as far away as across the country.
The following series of articles describes some of Watson's activities between 1903 and 1906. Following his arrival in this country, his years as a professional in Minnesota and a subsequent move to California, Watson had developed the reputation as one of the leading names in golf, particularly in the area of instruction. I was surprised to learn of his link to Spaulding Bros., similar to Bendelow, and perhaps WW was their man on the West Coast.
Oct. 3, 1903 Barre Daily Times -

June 23, 1904 Barre Daily Times -

April 12, 1905 St. Johnsbury Caledonian -

April 22, 1905 Godwins Weekly -

April 23, 1905 Salt Lake Herald -

May 26, 1905 Barre Daily Times -

June 28, 1905 St. Johnsbury Caledonian -

Sept. 20, 1905 Lima News -

July 27, 1906 St. Johnsbury Caledonian -