Well Ran, first off, congratulations!
You join an exclusive club. I too am a member--at my father’s new golf course, now mine. I didn’t know the lies of my clubs, matter of fact, I didn’t know what a lie was, and they weren’t my clubs. I had no clubs so I borrowed some to give some academic golf nut a free tour of the new course because no golfer was available. I didn’t play and it was perhaps the second time I attempted to hit a ball on grass. When we didn’t see the ball on the blind green surface, although the ball seemed to be heading in that general direction, we didn’t look in the hole. Instead, we played the percentages and spent the next few minutes searching the underbrush behind the green. We gave up and only discovered the ball when Professor Golf holed out. I was laughing so much, I think I got a 13 on the next hole.
Having achieved that pinnacle, I quit the game for the next 25 years. Even after taking it up, it’s been close but no cigar.