After watching for 3+ days now, it certainly seems that luck is playing a far bigger role in this Open than it has historically. Many fair to poor shots are winding up inches from holes after taking wild caroms (to the obvious surprise of the players), while many seemingly excellent shots are being repelled into horrible spots. To me, this is the opposite of what the USGA has historically claimed to want.
This will be an "exciting" finish simply because the course is so ridiculous that anything can seemingly happen to any player at any time, irrespective of how he's playing and the quality of his ballstriking.
Unfortunately, with rounds here taking nearly 5 1/2 hours, it won't be over until 11:30p EDT tonight, and if you're a European fan, well, better luck next time unless you want to stay up until 4 or 5:00a. It's also too bad because my 5 year old is a HUGE golf fan, and he won't be able to watch the end with me on Father's Day.
In retrospect, it seems a portion of the group here has been convinced that if it's brown and dry, then little else matters (including architecture, pace of play, setup or conditioning).