2 good stories....makes me a recidivist
As a young teen, I had a friend who lived aside Winged Foot West and we habitually would go out an play a few hole loop, mostly petrified that we'd be caught, arrested, and flogged by our parents. We did this for one late summer, fall, and spring before I started caddying there and stopped the practice cold turkey. But that wasn't to be the last of my trespassing days.
In 2001, I had a summer rental house on Eastern LI, had just shut down a start-up business and had tons of time on my hands. On late Sunday evenings that summer, my housemate and I packed Sunday bags and proceeded to park in what wasn't then, but is now the entrance to a certain lauded JN-TD design. There were a few spots, literally in the woods, back then off then Shrubland Rd.
We'd start on a famous Redan and finish on either a lovely Cape or Punchbowl, never tempting the gods by getting within eyesight of the ominous stone Clubhouse. We did this at least 5-6 times, each time dressing the part in our most preppy logo infested threads and never once acting as if we didn't belong or weren't some distant spawn of the some member with one or two sticks next to their names.
Lo and behold, it's finally post Labor Day and as we head down the Short, we espy a cart with two (obvious) employees heading right for us at warp speed. We (trespassing chicken shits) moved post-haste to the nearby tick-infested woods and buried ourselves amongst the leaves and bushes, not daring to head back through the thickets to our car, for fear of rustling too loudly, and attracting what we surely thought would be the in-bred bloodhounds by now. In what seemed like an eternity, enough darkness fell that we felt is was finally safe to make the final retreat.
Upon arriving at the car, there was the Superintendent and his first assistant. We embarrassingly plead for forgiveness and mercy before a certain K.O. interrupted and revealed he had seen us multiple times before, and hadn't bothered to bust us because he'd witnessed our diligence in fixing our ballmarks, raking the bunkers, and replacing our fairway divots. He had only "came after us that evening because the club's President was out that dusk with his son" and he didn't want us anywhere near them.
We restarted our heartbeats and thanked Mr. O and his asst. for his "understanding," to which he responded: "Come up on Sunday nights after 5pm, and park in his lot by the maintenance shed, get a sand bottle or two...... and stay the heck away from hole#'s 17-18 and 1-3!!" We smiled, and once safely back in town, decided to buy a healthy gift certificate to a local establishment of questionable taste

to deliver next Sunday.
Years later, I ran into Mr. O nearby my home and picked up a round of drinks and we laughed our asses off about that summer!