This is Royal West Norfolk, better known as Brancaster, in
Brancaster, King's lynn, England, designed by Horace
Hutchinson and Holcome Ingleby.
Amongst RWN's members is Prince Andrew.
The RWN GCA course profile is here: clues include:
"Also quite a few 'blessed' by the family of figureheads
(as with the military)." = "Royal"
the famous floodprone causeway
"Located in the Tidewater area of England?", "One of many
British towns used as names of U.S. towns.", and Women
love the U.S. version of this town. Navy guys galore." refer
to Norfolk, VA, U.S.
"Another directional course" = "West"
"Another course in England known better by the town it
resides in." = Brancaster, "Such as someone who fishes with
a fiber muffin bait?" = "bran caster"
While the course's official name has one directional name in
it, the region (county?) has the opposite directional name in
it's name. = R. "West" Norfolk and "East Anglia"
"Official name with U.S. namesake town is one of most
commonly mis-pronounced cities in U.S" = too many people
pronounce Norfolk as: Nor-folk, with a long 'o' and
pronouncing the 'L', instead of the correct: Nor'-fek (the 'e'
should be upside -down in dictionary terms and the 'L' is
"U.S. namesake town is home of alma mater of NBA player
Chris Gatling and also one of the greatest women's hoopsters
of all time, Anne Donovan. In same state as this past
Friday's #2, but very far apart. School is nickname of state"
= Old Dominion U., in "Norfolk", VA. I saw Gatling play
against by alma mater, VT.
"This course is just down the coast (an area known as "The
Wash") from another UK Top 50 links" = Hunstanton, I
believe you're referencing.