In regard to the property on the west flank of NGLA, I know there are some old GCA threads on the old CH Sabin Bayberry Land/Electrical Brotherhood property around the time of the Sebonac course development, but their contents and "facts" seem a little loose in parts.
This view is not exactly to scale, but indicative.

I find it interesting that CH, a NGLA Founder, ended up with his own caddy shack and entrance to NGLA at the NW corner, having started acquiring all the NGLA bordering properties in 1910, in building up his 314 acre estate, and prior to building his "cottage."
The view of the SH&PR Co. President (Redfield) is most instructive, as is the longer term "colonization" of South Hampton per David Goddard and how things didn't quite pan out as intended... land blocks remained relatively cheap.

Redfield lost his court battle.. adverse possession prevailed for the Aldriches. The court case may be read at:
Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York, Second Department. 132 App. Div. 118 (N.Y. App. Div. 1909)

Nice view from Bayberry Land, i believe looking east across Peconic Bay shoreline from sandy bluff, onto the waters in front of NGLA