Typical question, as if there are some rules.
Ask 40 superintendents and you'll get 29 valid answers, varying by turf grass type, greens construction, elevation, top-dressing profile, mowing heights, expectations for performance, how much golf traffic there was in the fall, whether there's subzero temperature for X number of days, sub-20-degree temperature for X number of days., whether the snow came before or after the first deep frost, how deep the frost layer is, amount of snow cover, how much wind at what moisture level, chemical variance in the soil. Call it a multi-variate equation with infinity-minus N variables.
The more I talk with and listen to superintendents the more respect I have for the judgments they make and the more I am amazed how little even the most avid golf course enthusiast knows about the mixture of science and estimation that goes into what superintendents really do.
Brad Klein