This may or may not interest anyone. I find it interesting how quickly these grasses take and what a relatively simple process it is. Courses are scheduled to re-open October 1.
As a superintendent, I'm not sure that I would look at it as "simple." In many cases, 3 applications of herbicides, 3 weeks apart with a fertilizer application a week after each application. (if Mother Nature plays nice.) Then comes the aerification, verticutting, scalping (potential fraze mowing) and removal of dead material. Prior to planting, 3-4 different fertilizers and soil amendments need to be applied.
-Then grassing. Then rolling the sprigs and any tire marks.
-Sprigs need to be watered 6-8x a day at the very least.
-After 2 weeks or so, weekly fertilizing.
-After 3 weeks, mowing starts. Spiking/solid tine aerification to smooth out the surface and probably topdressing. -Sprigs should bet a minimum 12 weeks to grow in.
Even just a regrassing is a ton of work and logistics.