Of course water is a crutch but not in the way most think. In most cases water is a secondary crush to the overwhelming cruth in golf architecture, earth moving. Need dirt, dig a pond, try and make pond look good, design golf around pond.
It's the need for earth to support modern design philosophy that leads to all the water. That and the need for irrigation storage. And like most things in golf, more is better so store enough water in the event the entire world goes on strike and you can't fill your pond for a month.
Other ways to generate earth, dig ditches. This is a two fold savings as the ditches can also serve as your storm drainage and they can be way cooler features to design golf around than ponds. Plus they can create some nice habitat for wild life. Ditches, dry creeks, arroyos, barrancas...whatever they may be called, support good golf a lot better than unnatural looking ponds.