When JC mentioned Chicago GC #2 as a "too hard of a hole" entry, it made me look back to the aerials on near-maps...and I surmise #2 is their Road Hole, but besides the 1, 3, 7 and 17 (DPlat, Biarr, Redan, Alps respectively)...And Imy guessing that the water carry 10th is their Short and #13 is their Eden, what other Template designs are on that course...what is their Punchbowl, Drive and Pitch, Knoll, Leven? I see a Spectacles bunker on #6, but not a Principal's Nose...I don't know if there is a Cape...and I don't know if #9 fits in any previous template...
can anyone straighten me out?
PS: i'm going to make a separate thread on the templates again...chime in there too, if it pleases you to do so.