At least for me, Muirfield is a bit too clinical in its test. Their isn't enough whimsy to carry me aong for the entire ride. Like some American championship courses, Murifield is pure bred championship golf. No question in my mind that Muirfield is great, but also not loved by me either. I guess greatness comes in all sizes and shapes so it isn't enough to inspire some.
On the flip side of Murifield is Deal. Its not loved by the typically non gcaer. Perhaps that is due to the difficult beat back to the house. This part of the course screams championship golf, but there is a fair amount whimsy to even out the test...perhaps this is what endears deal to gcaers...the design balance.
I was also thinking the opppsite of Murifield in terms of to easy. Mid Pines is loved by gcaers, but doesn't garener huge respect elsewhere...not nearly to the degree as on here anyway. Perhaps people see Mid-Pines as too easy?
The course which stands out for me is Pennard. GCAers obviously love the place...enough so that it nearly made the top 100 world in the Unofficial Rankings. Pennard doesn't register for any other world ranking. I can only assume gcaers love the whimsy and accept that the course can play brutally difficult or fairly benign, but never exactly easy. With the new tees, the course can play just about as difficult as any very good amateur would care to handle. BUT, I am still not convinced that Pennard is truly a great course.
So far as dividing opinion on this site, Tobacco Road does it just about as well as any course. Though I can't really think of a great course which creates this division to the degree that does TR. Maybe Kiawah? Of course, much depends on one's notion of what is great.