Mark, Mark, Mark - what have I ever done for you to treat my so disrespectfully? We've never met, but I thought we were friends (at least of the internet variety), and I know that over the years my praise for your excellent course profiles has been consistent, generous and unstinting. And yet - you? This? Now? Not a wonderful and personal sharing of a beloved course you've just played, but instead yet another ranking list, and from Golf Digest of all places? Another list with the same 95 courses that show up year after year after year, with just enough 'change' to engender another in an endless stream of rating threads where posters 'scratch the heads' or (worse) type cryptic 5 word posts suggesting that Golf Club X should be in 47th instead of 49th place. Why? Why, Mark? Listen, please -- we all know that it profith a man nothing to gain the whole world and lose his soul, but for a Golf Digest Ranking?! Ah well, alas, so be it. Carry on, dear friend. I see now that the battle is lost, and that the dark forces have won the war. May the gods of golf have mercy on you....