Nial - You can average 20 houses/homes per acre so at £50k per plot it is £1M. That 20 dwellings is maximised by terraced looking houses that are starter homes often with an up and down. So 2 properties could sit on 50 square metres, you can even triple up for flats (or more). About 4000 squared metres in an acre. So in theory and taking it to an extreme 500 squared metres (just 0.125 acre) could be the footprint for the housing, leaving 0.875 acres for roads, gardens. 2000 homes is virtually a new town, so with mixed types of (35 per acre - high density starters, ie flats) (10 per acre - standard) (6 per acre - luxury housing). The better money is the high density for small areas, town planning is an art in itself, but £1,000,000 per acre in the South of England/ M4 corridor is about the benchmark and does include the infrastructure. Scottish prices by comparison are rubbish unfortunately. We are working on a project in Scotland I reckon it's less than 0.5 acre but we are still looking at 16 properties and it includes the road in and associated parking.