I am quite capable of grasping the principles of design in a way that 99.9% of golfers simply don't. The fact that I'm part of such a small percentile of people says little about me however and everything about the sorry state of the understanding of the game.
Of course there are exceptions but, by and large, golf club committees are made up of people that have no knowledge in the subject of golf course architecture but assume that they do. Now that is utter arrogance. - Paul Gray
Reading the above, can you not see where I'm coming from? The assumptions and arrogance are yours. Someone at least voted on the committee members - who appointed you above the 99.9%?
You ain't Harry Colt, Michelle Pfeiffer or Michael Caine. Your .1 of the golfing population claim is purely self appointed and as I alluded to before, such ridiculous grandiosity shows a cringeworthy lack of self awareness.
Anyway a few points to make on the debate itself, kept deliberately brief:
None of the courses in Adrian's list were built by committee.
Pretty much every great course we have, was. Who secured the land? Who appointed the architect? who set the brief? who approved the plan and who organised to pay for it? Who steered it through the years?
The great sand belt courses in Aus - all committee clubs.
7's, 8's, 9's in CG vast majority are committee clubs. The various hidden gems profiled on here by Sean and others, vast majority, committee clubs.
The great clean ups in the face of Mother Nature- Golspie etc, organised and carried out by committee and surrounding committees.
I didn't care for it, but you loved the set up at Pinehurst this year - The USGA championship committee.
Surely one of the .1% of the golfing population can do better than make sweeping generalisations?