We know it was common in early American golf to have a train line "near" a golf course, with some lines actually running through them. I was wondering in today's time, if folks know of abandoned train routes that are part of the golf course and actually represent a significant feature of the topography of the course?
At Philly Cricket, with the restoration completed, I think the abandoned line on the course represents one of the signature features of the property, intended or otherwise. If you can share a photo of your thoughts, better yet.
I have attached some photos I recently took from my iphone as well as photos from Evan Schiller who was hired by the club. In one example, you can see #3 is directly in from of you, but beyond it, down the right hand side is the abandoned line that provides really a unique feature to the course and also serves as a quasi boundary between the front six, and the rest.

From the right of #5

From the tee at #6

From behind #6

From #17 green