I play at a Ross course, rejuvenated about 6 years ago by Kris Spence, with an attempt in many cases to capture the old square-ish greens. Today some are very square, some sort-of square, and other not so much square, but still essentially four sided. What strikes me about this subject is that while playing the course, which I do a lot, the square-ishness isn't something I notice. Maybe it is familiarity, or that somehow they don't "feel" square while you are playing them because the contours, often with ridges coming in from corners that take your eye away from the shape. Or, maybe it's just that you're not the hawk flying above. When you play such a course, is the square-ishness of the greens something you notice while playing? (For the course I play, go to Google Maps and look up Carolina Golf Club, Charlotte, NC, then make sure you're on satellite view and zero in. That's the best way to see the outlines of the greens.)