Here's the 15th Hole Aerial:

Here is the description of the hole from the website:
Hole 15 - Chasm
With the prevailing wind usually against, the player can elect to hit a shorter drive to the “short porch” of the fairway in front of the daunting “chasm." This will lead to a longer, but more direct, second over the hazard to a very generous landing area. A bolder drive down the fairway will leave a shorter, but more complicated, look at the landing area short of the green.I like the drama of the hole, but I have never fully understood the trade-offs for the various options, and they didn't seem to align with the description above.
To me, it seems like the "short porch" is actually the shorter and safer route, despite what the above description said. From the Ballyhack tees, it is ~220 yards, significantly downhill, to find the heart of the short porch (red area). I have hit irons off the tee and been in the 230-240 range regularly. To get to a similar distance on the left (red area), it would take a 305 yard shot, and to a tighter area. Even if you can get to the same distance (the two red areas), the short porch offers a superior angle.
As Tommy mentioned, there are plenty of awkward lies in the short porch area. Despite being in range regularly, I have struggled with the 2nd shot (by trying to force a hybrid or 3 wood off the slight downhill lie). This would make the short porch a riskier trade-off, but only if there were much better lies to the left fairway. However, from my limited experience on the left side, there are still awkward lies there as well (generally downhill or sidehill given the overall slope of the hole). But I'll admit that I haven't tried the left side much once I figured out how to find the short porch regularly. It's possible there may be segments of the left fairway that are more conducive to a hybrid / 3 wood approach.
Now, if I were planning on playing this as a 3 shot hole, I would completely understand playing to the left fairway as an "equal" option. It definitely makes the 2nd shot to the "upper" layup area much easier, especially if you want the downhill, visually unimpeded 3rd shot. But if you don't mind hitting a shorter uphill 3rd shot, the short porch offers an viable 3 shot option as well.
I suppose there is the option of trying to carry the chasm off the tee to leave a very short 2nd shot (more feasible from the Ridge Tees), but the landing area beyond the chasm seems far too small and shallow to make that a reasonable risk (and this is coming from the guy who'll always go for #10 in 2 and #6 from the tee). I tried it once for fun from the Ridge tees (after hitting an iron to the short porch), and bounded through the fairway beyond the chasm (into lost ball rough at the time).
Ultimately, if the short porch were smaller or more fraught with risk, I would understand the trade-offs of the hole. But is seems like the risk/rewards push the short porch option disproportionately relative to other options.
Of course, it may simply be a case where Lester built in a hole that flips expectations on their heads. Since the short porch is visually obscured compared to the vast looking expanse left, players may never think that the best way to get home in 2 is with an iron vs a Driver. That in itself is cool and unusual - it just doesn't seem to align with the hole description on the website.
Wade / Tommy - in your membership playing experience, what % of players actually use the upper layup area?