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David Ober

Re: Was Tillinghast a Pompous Ass??
« Reply #25 on: November 03, 2014, 03:12:43 PM »
This will fall of deaf ears, but my 'ask': please let's limit the number of times we ascribe, to asses and gentlemen both, the qualities of greatness, and let's please keep our labelling of these asses/gentlemen with such high-sounding titles as "creators" to a minimum. 

All this talk about "great" musicians or artists or architects or designers or writers being absolved of their less than stellar qualities drives me crazy, not because we are absolving them of any such foibles but because so very few of them are/were indeed "great" (in any meaningful sense of the word), and even fewer of them were "creators" (of anything even remotely new/original).

Mr. Tillinghast was probably just a guy, no better or worse than most, and his golf courses were just golf courses - some better than others (though not by much).

As we've seen just recently around here, not every person or every course or every drawing can or should be elevated to some critical role in some grand narrative (one that is invariably and by definition of our own makings/imaginations) that ties together the past and the future into one great big ball of 'meaning'. 

You know, I think I'm starting to love ratings/rankings. There's something appealingly modest in this idiot obsession of ours:  "That course is a 5! No way - it's a 6 at least, and maybe even a 7!!!". Nice and simple - no narrative, no grand meanings...just numbers.

I rate golf courses like I rate women: On a binary scale!


Re: Was Tillinghast a Pompous Ass??
« Reply #26 on: November 03, 2014, 03:21:47 PM »
If you study history, one thing you tend to find is that people often have flaws. Does the fact that Lincoln suffered from depression change the reality that he crafted one of the greatest speeches that sums up the reason for fighting the Civil War? Does the fact that Churchill was a failed politician and functioning alcoholic change the reality that he served as one of the bulwarks of Western democracy against fascism? Does the fact that Ty Cobb and Pete Rose were awful human beings change the reality that they were arguably the two greatest hitters in baseball history? Does the fact that Tiger Woods had a screwed up personal life change the reality that he won 14 majors?

So what does it matter whether Tillinghast or any other architect was/is a difficult or even insufferable human being? That doesn't change the fact that he designed some of the great golf courses in existence.

As a previous poster said, separate the art from the artist. Too often in modern society, we look at history through contemporary glasses.

Peter Pallotta

Re: Was Tillinghast a Pompous Ass??
« Reply #27 on: November 03, 2014, 03:29:55 PM »
Jeff - your example I think is significant/telling. There have always been talented professionals who have intensively marketed themselves during their prime years, as Frank Lloyd Wright did. But that's actually more understandable (and acceptable) to me than the breathless myth-making and over-arching narratives that their later acolytes and biographers and supporters engage in, piling one unnecessary and innacurate tribute and insight on top of another until we get these monuments of greatness and genius that are as far removed from any kind of truth or even real life as one can imagine. And then working professional like you come along and say (as did your predecessors in any and all arts-crafts) that creating anything is 90% hard work and 10% inspiration, and that you don't have "to be" anything in particlular (ass or genius or insane or egomanical) in order to produce good work. As I say, it annoys me no end, in part because it feels to me that these acolytes and biographers care more about the sound of their own voices than about the work itself, all the while simply adding more lies and rhetoric to a world that already has plenty of both.

Bruce Katona

Re: Was Tillinghast a Pompous Ass??
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2014, 03:45:18 PM »
For certain, I know for a fact I am out standing in my field; it's now generally left field as I no longer have the speed to play center field.
"If my words did glow with the gold of sunshine
And my tunes were played on the harp unstrung
Would you hear my voice come through the music
Would you hold it near as it were your own....."
Robert Hunter, Jerome Garcia

Stu Wolffe

Re: Was Tillinghast a Pompous Ass??
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2014, 05:51:35 PM »
Curtesy of the Ross Family – Posted on the Tillighast Association front page. 

