Pat, I felt compelled to reply even though I don't post much. I just wanted to share a quick story regarding your original post and specifically the last couple of sentences. I made my 3rd trip out to Bandon just this past August with my Dad and my 2 teenage sons. The trip was a gift from my Dad and I for my oldest son who graduated high school in June. The deal my parents have made with their grandkids is that when they graduate high school, they get to pick a "trip." Both my older sons play competitive golf with my oldest now playing in College. Anyway, both the boys have heard me talk about my 2 other trips to Bandon with the guys and they were dying to go. The bottom line as you can imagine, it was an awesome trip that brings joy every time I talk or write about it. My Dad is not that old (65 going on 66) but 36 a day of walking was not his cup of tea, although he walks regularly with a caddy at our home club. The boys and I were scheduled to play 36, 36, 31. I had scheduled a massage for my Dad after the first round and he was going to figure out something to do in the afternoon on the second day. The last day were going to play PD and then the Preserve, which I had not played yet. One of the best highlights was after the first 9 holes of the trip on PD, my Dad turns to me and says, "cancel that massage - I'm having too much fun. I'm going to play all the rounds." He did and we had an unbelievable trip. Special moments highlighted by my 16 year holing out for a 2 at 16 in the first round at PD to close out our opponents - his older brother and my Dad and then my Dad knocking it off the flag stick on #4 on the preserve for the "almost" ace during our last round. Now, finally back to your original post about introducing your son to OM and Bandon in general. It is obviously a very special place for so many reasons, but what I found so interesting was that my oldest (18 yrs. old) came away saying that OM was his favorite course at the resort. I am definitely a newbie and have enjoyed being part of this site and ready as many books as possible, but there is so much to "get" at OM and I don't know if he fully understood all the architecture and the merits of it, but he loved it. I know I don't need to tell you this, but you are correct in your anticipation of introducing your son to not only OM but the entire resort.
P.S. I know Sven. I can tell you that he added to not only the explanation of the architecture but to each and every round. Thanks again to you, and your partners.