Most interesting. Thank you for posting the thread and photos.
An open question, out of interest, how would someone go about constructing a feature such as the long bunker-waste area on the right hand side of this fairway?
How much of the work to complete this feature would have be done by machinery and how much, if any, would there have been hand tool finishing?
Is the sand we can see what's under the whole property or imported or moved from somewhere else on the site?
Are the smallish grassy tufts to the right of the sandy area a native species and thus original on-site vegetation that has arisen on their own or would they have been planted?
I note that the similar bunker-waste area on the opposite side of the fairway seems to have been machine raked but the larger sandy feature on the right side doesn't seem to have been nor are there any hand rakes visible either alongside or within the right side feature.
I've seen features generally akin to this before, in the UK at Castle Stuart for example, and in photos of various newish US courses. Anyone have any photos or videos they could post or link-to of how the construction, either of this site, or of another similar site, was executed?