Here's a question: if you consider yourself to have an obsession or an addiction to golf (or, what attitude do you take towards it?
a) I continue to indulge myself with regards to GCA/golf, and not worry about the effects it may have upon other parts of my life.
b) I occasionally think I spend too much time on it, but gosh, GCA/golf is so much fun!
c) I'm worried about how much time I'm spending on GCA/golf, and I'm trying to cut down, but I just can't help myself!
d) I'm on the verge of, or seriously considering, going cold turkey - there really are more important things in life than GCA/golf!
Bonus question: if you answered c) or d), are you worried that the residents of this fine discussion group are encouraging or enhancing your obsession/addiction and making it difficult for you to cease and desist to where you have things under control?
(I ask these questions not to be judgmental - I'm mostly a "passion" and not "obsession" guy when it comes to golf, although occasionally I become a category c) obsessive, and I used to be a category b) - but rather to add something of a moral reference point to the discussion. Because threads like this can be dangerous, in that they can not only welcome obsessive behavior, but also encourage it - or "enable" it, to use a bit of Twelve-Step jargon. And if you are clinically obsessed about ANYTHING, be it golf or GolfClubAtlas or alcohol or binge eating or whatever it is, the last thing you really need is someone egging you along...)