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All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC (Dos) New
« on: August 04, 2014, 04:12:03 PM »

Because I updated the photos so thoroughly I decided to create another St Enodoc Photo Thread.    For those interested in the comments of the original thread, see the link.,39199.0.html

There are blind shots, heroic carries, all manner and style of greens which are wonderfully contoured, flat holes, wildly undulating holes and at least one hugely controversial hole.  This Cornwall gem on Daymer Bay is among a small handful of my favourite courses which I also believe to be among the best I have played.  It is difficult to praise the quality of this course too much. An awful lot of great design is packed into this 6100 yard dynamo which surrounds St Enodoc Church, whose graveyard is the final resting place of Sir John Betjeman.  It is ironic that the dunes which created such a memorable course were at the same time responsible for burying the chapel of ease.  It wasn't until the mid 19th century that the chapel was uncovered and restoration begun.  The namesake, St Enodoc (or St Gwinnodock), is said to have baptised converts at the nearby Jesus Well. 

I have long wondered about the pedigree of St Enodoc.  Founded in 1891, the course dating from 1898 featured what must have been some outstanding holes. The 13th and 14th of this course played along beach. I think the 13th green must have been very near today's 11th green.

We know that Braid (1907, 1937), Fowler (1923) and Simpson (1933) all had a hand in the design.  Very little has been altered since Braid’s 1937 visit and the biggest change has probably been the 16th. The green was recently pushed back some 50 yards or so behind the old green, making this a stout 3-shotter.  While I question the rationale for this move, I am a fan of the new hole.  Is it better than the old, probably not, but the change is well done.  Anyway, back to the issue of Braid, Fowler and Simpson...and it must be remembered that these are all only guesses on my part so please take them with a pinch of salt.  It would seem that #s 1, 8, 10, 11 & 12 may not be Braid holes and that the rest...emphatically are in some form or another.  I shall select the 10th first to clear away because it’s the easiest to deal with.  This is the sole remaining hole from the original 1891 design and it happens to be THE controversial hole on the course.  I am a great admirer of this hole and nothing I saw this trip has changed my mind.  This is one of the great par 4s in golf even if earning a 4 is most unlikely for mere mortals. 

Now we come to the question of #s 1 & 18.  I couldn’t say for sure who designed these two holes.  The 18th was reversed by Braid to its present configuration when the new house was built, but the green has heavy hints of Simpson involvement.  Knowing Fowler greens, I would guess that Simpson also had something to do with the first as well because of the interior contours which Fowler didn’t tend to produce.  In fact, and not to stray too far from the question, I would say Simpson may very well have altered many greens because they have rolls and flow which I haven’t seen often done by Braid or Fowler. 

For the same reasons as above, my guess is Simpson had a hand in #s 8 and 12.  Additionally, I don’t think Fowler would ring a par 3 with bunkers like the current 8th.  #11 is a bit of a different matter.  This green is very different from many on the course.  It is flat and running away from the tee.  With the oob hard left, the recovery from the right may cause a nervous moment or two.  This hole strikes me as having Fowler written all over it. 

I know of no course which sings to the golfer quite like St Enodoc does.  Many golfer's will first experience the links from the other side of the Camel Estuary, in Padstow.  The beach and dunes beckon the golfer to take the ferry...with spanners in tow. 

One can access the course over those dunes...

and sneak peak a lovely view or two...Stepper Point and Newlands Island.

but, since so many great archies went through the trouble, why not oblige them by starting on the opener?  The 1st gives the golfer an excellent idea of what to expect for the day; heaving ground punctuated with a tricky green.  After hitting through the elephant's graveyard, the fairway blindly drops to the level of the pleateau green.  On many days, this is a very reachable par 5.

The false front is very evident from the fairway.

The second is a magnificent hole if a bit narrow when the rough is up.  The play is left off the tee to gain the best angle on this legger right. An approach from the right must contend with a very deep bunker which is well hidden.

Below is the approach and a shot from behind the green.

The great opening sequence continues on the 3rd.  The confusion created on the tee has me convinced this is a great hole.  I know its very easy to leak one down the hill right and oob or hit it a driver on the screws and end up in the road where it bisects the fairway at about 300 yards out...but so what?  Such is the scarcity of inceptive design that when a hole of such originality presents itself it must be grabbed with both hands.  One can imagine children sledding down the unruly hill and nary a one remaining between the blades.  Wonderful as this is, it is the remarkable second shot which deserves all the attention it receives.     

The next hole is quite possibly one of the very best short par 4s in existence and was wisely chosen by Sir Ernest Holderness for his eclectic eighteen holes. A head scratcher off the tee, however, unlike the 3rd, we can see all the options.  For the brave, the ideal shot is to play right of the green on top of a narrow plateau which feeds to the putting surface. The risk involved is the boundary wall can easily be carried if the shot has any hint of a push. 

The aggressive play leaves this approach.

The simple tee shot leaves an approach similar to this, but of course one can lay-up well short this isn't recommended, but one can do it.  Anybody trying to hit the long ball without challenging the OOB has these bunkers waiting.  Only the 12th & 13th of North Berwick can rival St Enodoc's 3rd and 4th for back to back holes with such audacity, innovation and unorthodxy. 

One thing rarely mentioned about St Enodoc is the variety of tees which concentrate on creating width.  This is huge benefit for any club.  The 5th is one such example. The angle from the white tees is brutishly elusive, but from the daily tee its merely a difficult one-shotter. 

Having played 3 and 4, most golfers would be ecstactic at the riches delivered, but St Enodoc has a further two holes which are every bit as wonderful.  Himalayas requires what it says on the tin, an heroic blind shot over a mountain of sand.  Not terribly rare it is with a driver in our hands, but with an iron and hitting to a green shrouded in rough...well, you get the full mental image.  Many times, a ball in play will win the day.  If one dares take a peak of what lies ahead....he will see the troubles that await.

The two bunkers used to be connected and to much better effect.  Hopefully this bunker can be restored some day.

A final look at one of the most celebrated holes in English golf.

Most feel that with #6 behind us, that the epic start has concluded.  That would be doing the seventh a great disservice.  The drive takes us over a series of dunes which isn't an onerous carry, but a foozle will surely lead to a kiss on the card. Below is the approach from the left rough.

The 8th green with #6 and the dunes we play over for the seventh in the background.  This old photo is a reminder of how little St Enodoc has changed since the late 30s. 

The ninth is a dead straight hole which takes the golfer to the base of Brea Hill.  A man-made trench backed with a mound of spoil breaks the fairway if one is long off the tee.  This hole is often over-looked, but it is an unsung beauty which deserves high praise.

More to follow.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2024, 09:52:51 AM by Sean_A »
New plays planned for 2025: Craigielaw, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos New
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 04:13:01 PM »
St Enodoc Tour Cont.

Now for the back 9 and what better place to have a controversial hole than one which often requires a wait due to the public footpath?  I find it most interesting to listen to the debate on the tee.  There usually is no consensus and if one is harsh, I will defend the old girl.  The more I play the hole, the more I am convinced it deserves the 4th spot on the St Enodoc shelf of abundant great holes.   

Is it unfair?  To be honest, I don't think the answer to that question has any bearing on the merits of this hole or any other, but I will say this hole is about as tough a two-shotter as most are likely to encounter.  Once around the water one can see that the lay of the land will direct a swinging hook to the green.  The amount of right to left swing is more readily apparent from the 15th tee.  What is it they say about a day late and a dollar short?

The 10 & 11 greens viewed from higher ground.

The 11th is a cunning hole with OBB hidden left, but it is the 12th which is one of my favourite holes on the links.  The hedge is also a clever ploy as it hides the turn of the dogleg and visually signals golfers to keep right.  While it is true that approaching from the right is easier, I am not sure it is worth trying to skirt the bunkers on the drive to earn this angle.  The lay of the land feeds directly to this pair of pits and the fairway always seems keen.  This photo reveals the dome-like green and "catchy bunker" left.

#s 13 & 14 run along the high end of the course on land which feels like it should be part of the neighbouring farm and indeed this was once the case.  In 1907 the club originally struck a deal which allowed play on that part of the Trenain Farm.  Despite being framed by Iron Age hedges, the 13th offers little appeal. However, any hole which affords us this view can't be criticized too harshly.

The 14th is an interesting little hole.  Like the 4th, the use of poor golfing land (ie not links) to create interest and challenge is outstanding.   A turfed wall guards the green on the left and sharp run off protects the right. 

Behind the green.

The 15th takes us across the same chasm onto the proper links as did the 5th.  One valid criticism of St Enodoc is the similarities between the two holes.  That said, they are both earnest one-shotters and it is no great hardship to have another go. 

The 16th used to encourage the golfer to hit it over the shelf like dune off the tee to earn an opportunity of getting home in two. While it is still beneficial to hit the long ball, only the very long can now reach this 540 yard par 5 rolling over perfect "folds and undulations". Just short of the large bunker on the right is where the old green used to be located and what a good green it was, hard on the boundary fence. 

Behind the green.

The 17th is particularly difficult to hit as the front of the green is the crest of a sharp rise and fall (where the hole is located in the photo).  At nearly 200 yards, for many this hole is a par 4.  The home hole is a dandy.  The drive is not nearly as menacing as it appears due to the gathering nature of the fairway.

Once the clubhouse is squarely in sight the golfer realizes how tired he is.  However, there is one final tough shot awaiting.  This uphill approach has to be expertly judged to get near the flag.  Like the 17th, from a high point near the front of the putting surface, the green runs away from the fairway.

Taken from the house balcony.

People should be knocking down the door to play St Enodoc as it offers something for everyone.  The golf is monumental but managable for the astute rabbit.  While longer than when Braid last visited, it is pleasing to know the club has resisted pushing the tees anywhere near the 7000 yard mark.  The mainstay of Braid mixed with Fowler, Simpson and whoever designed the 10th can in hindsight only be described as inspired.  It is hard to imagine a course which packs so much into its seemingly benign length.  Makes my Nifty 50. 1*  2014

SCORECARD (daily tees)
Church Course
Par 69
6108 Yards

1. 506 !
2. 428
3. 426 !
4. 279 !!
5. 151
6. 364 !
7. 384
8. 150
9. 388
10. 452 ?!
11. 181
12. 373
13. 349
14. 350 !
15. 152
16. 539
17. 200 !
18. 436 !

« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 07:51:05 AM by Sean_A »
New plays planned for 2025: Craigielaw, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 03:23:32 AM »
Fine pics. and a real appetite whetter (a word?) for next months BUDA,57174.0.html

There are still places available but be quick as we've promised to confirm nos. with the Clubs a month ahead.
(IM me if you want to know what to do next.)

carry on...
2025 Craws Nest Tassie, Carnoustie.

Adam Lawrence

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 06:01:15 AM »
Paid my second visit to St Enodoc this year. First time out, you see the beauty of the place, and the famous holes hit you hard, but (for me at least) it was only seeing the course afresh that I realised just how much great golf there is.

From a pure golf perspective, I have no problem with the tenth, in fact I really like it. But the footpath, in summer especially, is terrifying - lots and lots of people walking to Daymer Bay, not paying any attention to the fact they're about five paces from your perfect landing spot. And it's not as though they are crossing the fairway - they are walking up alongside it for several hundred yards.

I never saw the old sixteenth, but for my money the new look hole is very strong. The green is a little bit modern as far its shaping is concerned, but it works extremely well.

My one real objection is the roadway in front of the 15th green. Bit rough to land a yard short of the putting surface and have the ball carom miles into the air and through the back.
Adam Lawrence

Editor, Golf Course Architecture
Principal, Oxford Golf Consulting

'More Enduring Than Brass: a biography of Harry Colt' 'Up Top: the story of Landmand' (both forthcoming).

Short words are best, and the old words, when short, are the best of all


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 07:02:24 AM »

RE 15, the two roads, the estuary, the field hedges and skyline all add up to a serious case of horizontalitis.  Its a good hole though  :D

The 10th has grown on me and now I consider it one of the pillars of St Enodoc. 

The 16th is a good hole for sure.  I thought the old version was more St Enodocian with the green hard on the boundary.  It was a fun green to have a go at.  The new green is fine, as I don't really buy into the oddball green being a no-no anyway.

I really spent time meandering around the course this time and came away more impressed than ever. 

New plays planned for 2025: Craigielaw, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Jay Flemma

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2014, 07:22:39 AM »
And some people were telling me to skip it when i go over next year :o ;D

Can't wait to see it!
Mackenzie, MacRayBanks, Maxwell, Doak, Dye, Strantz. @JayGolfUSA, GNN Radio Host of Jay's Plays

John Mayhugh

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2014, 07:37:13 AM »
My one real objection is the roadway in front of the 15th green. Bit rough to land a yard short of the putting surface and have the ball carom miles into the air and through the back.

There's not a lot of room to be short.

Thanks for the tour, Sean.  I was fortunate enough to spend a day there a couple of years back, and needed the experience for some of those tee shots, especially.  I played in March so avoided the footpath problems on 10.  I can see where that would be frustrating, but the hole itself didn't bother me in the least.

Ulrich Mayring

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2014, 07:59:30 AM »
This is my second favorite course, I have Cruden Bay at #1 and North Berwick at #3, but there is not much between those three magnificent links. For good players St Enodoc certainly is the toughest test of the lot, but as Sean said, anyone will enjoy it.

Golf Course Exposé (300+ courses reviewed), Golf CV (how I keep track of 'em)

Mike Policano

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2014, 08:38:50 AM »

Thanks for the pics. Played there in June with hickories and loved it. I didn't realize that the area is a foodie area. Our group of 8 had one great dinner after the other. Definitely worth the trip out.

Peter Pallotta

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2014, 10:57:19 AM »
Thanks, Sean - my first real look at Enodoc, a much more rough-hewed kind of simplicity and lay-of-the-land design than I'm used to in your profiles. Two things strike me: 1) that on some of the inland English courses your profile, I can almost imagine what the architects saw/thought as they routed/designed the courses, but here at Enodoc I can't even come close to that, i.e. seeing that heaving, rolling, almost jagged landscape, I have no idea what Braid et al saw and how they made their design decisions; and 2) Endonoc seems more like a 'private club' than just about any of the courses you profile, i.e. a course that was designed for, and probably best enjoyed by, members/those who play it often.


Adam Lawrence

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2014, 11:06:21 AM »
Peter - the odd thing is that St Enodoc in some ways is _less_ like that than most English clubs, because it's a holiday course - a very large proportion of its members don't live in the area but play there in the summer or whenever else they get down to Cornwall. That's why it's posh - north Cornwall in general, and Rock in particular, is pretty much the English equivalent of the Hamptons, or Cape Cod, or whichever of those northeastern summer resorts is more old money.
Adam Lawrence

Editor, Golf Course Architecture
Principal, Oxford Golf Consulting

'More Enduring Than Brass: a biography of Harry Colt' 'Up Top: the story of Landmand' (both forthcoming).

Short words are best, and the old words, when short, are the best of all


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2014, 12:04:59 PM »
Sean -

Thanks for your always fine photo tour. I played St. Endoc in 2002 and enjoyed it very much.


Peter Pallotta

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2014, 12:07:16 PM »
Adam - thank you, that's interesting to know. I suppose that behind my (false) assumption was the fact that, on first viewing, I found the course more visually 'confusing' (or at least 'complex') than I do most of the courses Sean profiles; and I associate that with a private/members club more than a public/resort one.


John Mayhugh

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2014, 12:38:18 PM »
Having played a number of courses that Sean has profiled, I think he does as good a job introducing a course with photos as I've seen.  Some of these prior courses may have looked simpler to you, but that has much to do with the way he highlights relevant features.  There's plenty of quirk and confusion out there on the Arble tour. 


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2014, 01:35:13 PM »
Seaside Golf by Sir John Betjeman

How straight it flew, how long it flew,
It clear'd the rutty track
And soaring, disappeared from view
Beyond the bunker's back –
A glorious, sailing, bounding drive
That made me glad I was alive.

And down the fairway, far along
 It glowed a lonely white;
I played an iron sure and strong
And clipp'd it out of sight,
And spite of grassy banks between
 I knew I'd find it on the green.

And so I did. It lay content
Two paces from the pin;
A steady putt and then it went
Oh, most surely in.
The very turf rejoiced to see
 That quite unprecedented three.

Ah! Seaweed smells from sandy caves
And thyme and mist in whiffs,
In-coming tide, Atlantic waves
Slapping the sunny cliffs,
Lark song and sea sounds in the air
And splendour, splendour everywhere
2025 Craws Nest Tassie, Carnoustie.

Peter Pallotta

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2014, 01:57:13 PM »
John - and thank you too. But I'm struck by the fact that "there's plenty of quirk and confusion out there on the Arble tour", since the Man himself seems the very epitome of clear and straight-forward middle class respectability!!  :)

Tony - thanks for sharing that lovely bit of writing (which for a few moment I actually thought you had penned).   


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos New
« Reply #16 on: August 05, 2014, 02:48:29 PM »

I am surprised you think I am adverse to funk.  In any case, once on the property, the routing strikes me as needs must.  Thus there are some key linking holes, of which 4 and 10 are sublime.  Below is the poem from which I nicked the title of my tour.

Come on! Come on! This hillock hides the spire,
Now that one and now none. As winds about
The burnished path through lady’s-finger, thyme,
And bright varieties of saxifrage,
So grows the tinny tenor faint or loud
All all things draw toward St. Enodoc.
Come on! Come on! and it is five to three.

Still, Come on! come on!
The tinny tenor. Hover-flies remain
More than a moment on a ragwort bunch,
And people’s passing shadows don’t disturb
Red Admirals basking with their wings apart.
A mile of sunny, empty sand away,
A mile of shallow pools and lugworm casts.
Safe, faint and surfy, laps the lowest tide.

« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 10:39:37 PM by Sean_A »
New plays planned for 2025: Craigielaw, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Thomas Dai

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2014, 02:56:25 PM »


So nice to see photographs of holes, especially green-sites, taken from angles not usually seen, such as side views and rear views.

This permits a very different appreciation of the intricacies of a hole. Very different to when simply viewed from straight on. I've not been to StE, yet, but I believe these photos better help me understand why you and others speak and write so highly of it.

The three photos at the start of the tour plus the one later on also give an understanding of the area, a nice touch.


Jim Nelson

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2014, 03:04:59 PM »
Thanks for the great piks and commentary.  I played there this May and loved the course, but then I like quirky.  I'd also like to enter a bit of commentary in that the folks there have a sense of humor.  At least two sprinkler heads do not have yardage numbers but rather say "just hit it!" and "You must be kidding."  No reason to add why I was looking at them, but I think they were on #10 and #18.  I took picture but have no idea of how to load them up.  Any trip west of London should include this classic if at all possible. 
I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world.  This makes it hard to plan the day.  E. B. White

Frank Pont

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC Dos
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2014, 05:16:50 PM »
Played St Enedoc as part of a tour to Cornwall a month ago (other courses were Trvose, Saunton and Perranporth).
See for another extensive photo tour.

Agree with Sean that the course and coastline are very scenic. It reminded me a bit of the Cruden bay setup where you play 8-9 holes, then make a transition to another remote part of the property and then weave your way back to the main part of the pproperty and then head back to the clubhouse.

Also agree the first 9 holes are world class, and the last three are very good as well. However I found the in between holes very disappointing, really out of character with the rest of the course and also less strategically interesting.

I would be playing a lot of 12 hole rounds if I were a member at St Enedoc......
« Last Edit: August 05, 2014, 05:38:57 PM by Frank Pont »


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC (Dos) New
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2014, 05:23:56 PM »
I forgot to post this ditty, a parody of Seaside Golf by a member of St Enodoc.

How low it flew, how left it flew,
It hit the dry-stone wall
And plunging, disappeared from view
A shining brand new ball –
I’d hit the damned thing on the head
It made me wish that I were dead.

And up the fairway, steep and long,
I mourned my gloomy plight;
I played an iron sure and strong,
A fraction to the right
I knew that when I reached my ball
I’d find it underneath the wall.

And so I did. I chipped it low
And thinned it past the pin
And to and fro, and to and fro
I tried to get it in;
Until, intoning oaths obscene
I holed it out in seventeen.

Ah! Seaweed smells from sandy caves
They really get me down;
In-coming tides, Atlantic waves
I wish that I could drown
And Sloane Street voices in the air
And black retrievers everywhere.

Sir Robin Butler


Yes, "You must be kidding" is emblazened at the start of the 18th fairway.  I believe that back in the day, there was a bunker in this area.


St Enodoc makes a strong case for best course in England, yes, its that good.


I wouldn't say the back nine is disappointing, but it is different in character.  Don't give up on #s 10, 12, 14 & 15.  They are better than first sightings suggest. 

« Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 10:42:10 PM by Sean_A »
New plays planned for 2025: Craigielaw, Machrihanish Dunes, Dunaverty, Dumbarnie, Gleneagles Queens and Carradale

Ryan Coles

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC (Dos)
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2014, 05:32:00 PM »
Come friendly bombs and fall on the 10th.

Lovely photos and a great write up. Agree with Frank that the middle section does detract slightly. It doesn't strike me as particularly quirky (10th aside which is just a poor hole rather than quirky tbh) certainly not compared to some of the other seaside courses in that area. It is probably the most charming course I've played though. Wouldn't describe it as posh either (if google still shows that word is in existence) just a proper golf club.

Philip Gawith

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC (Dos)
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2014, 05:45:04 PM »
Thanks for wonderful tour of a great course Sean. Brings back happy memories!

Sir Robin Butler was the Cabinet Secretary and head of the Civil Service when Thatcher, Major and Blair were prime ministers. A very decent, amusing and interesting man.

It is not a "posh" course but the club has a very high self-regard.


Greg Taylor

Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC (Dos)
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2014, 06:09:07 PM »
Come friendly bombs and fall on the 10th - made me chuckle. Well played Sir!


Re: All Things Draw Toward ST ENODOC (Dos)
« Reply #24 on: August 05, 2014, 06:45:53 PM »
Great write up, Sean.

The unique holes and features at St Enodoc are amazing.

One of the few criticisms of the course for me is that the course plays very straight.  There did not seem to be many holes where the drive needed to be aimed anywhere but straight down the fairway and only a few fairways angled to the tee.  In particular, 1,2,7,9,18 play very straight with others slightly less so.  Any thoughts on that from repeat play?

I also think there is no need to airbrush out some of the poor stuff on the course.  

The 13th green, where an original, unique green has been replaced by a cut and paste 1990s style green that bares no resemblance to the other greens on the course is a disgrace.  Do you have any photos of the original 13th?

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