I think that's true of most courses, there's usually a wind direction that makes it easier and another that makes it harder.
But I think it will be different for different golfers. Why do you think Royal Aberdeen plays easier with a north wind versus a south wind, for example? What is it about the composition of the holes that makes it so? Is that true for your game, or do you think it would be true for everyone?
I'll score better if I play the longer holes with the wind, which is probably true for most people. Taking a long hole and adding wind means hitting a long iron at best and maybe a layup for your second. With the short holes it doesn't matter, full wedge versus half wedge, or half wedge versus trying to drive it.
If its a cross wind, it depends more on what fits your game. Some people who draw it like a right to left wind as it'll give them more distance. Others might prefer a left to right wind because they can play a hold shot into that wind easily. I'm not a big fan of a strong right to left wind, because my misses are mostly to the left and I don't need the wind helping me get there. Also, if I don't think about it, I'll kind of visualize the shot with the wind's affect added in, and that makes me unconsciously play a draw, with the bad results you can imagine!
Of course, other than out and back layouts, you get a mix of all this, so it depends more on which holes fit your game better that get harder/easier in the wind. There's a course around here that I play much better in a south wind, while a north wind gives me fits. There are seven holes with the tee very elevated over the landing area, six of which play into a north wind and only one plays with. I can't really hit a "low" shot, so the odds are much more in my favor if I only face one such tee shot in a round, versus six! Those who can play a low ball might prefer the north wind, because by far the two most difficult par 5s play with a north wind (though even then neither will give up an eagle putt unless you're crazy long or get a lucky bounce on the approach)