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Paul Gray

Re: Two post Pinehurst questions
« Reply #75 on: June 20, 2014, 04:47:24 PM »

I don't believe I made specific reference to you and I actually said the combination of ignorance and privilege annoyed me, not that I had any problem with someone being born into wealth. We can't choose our backgrounds after all and I'd never attack anyone from a privileged background that chose to look beyond the status quo and its manifestations thereof.

Nonetheless, I shall happily sit on the bench until such a time that you deem me worthy of your words.
In the places where golf cuts through pretension and elitism, it thrives and will continue to thrive because the simple virtues of the game and its attendant culture are allowed to be most apparent. - Tim Gavrich

Russ Arbuthnot

Re: Two post Pinehurst questions
« Reply #76 on: June 24, 2014, 11:55:45 AM »
Sorry if this has already been asked, and maybe it's a little heretical, but am I the only one that wouldn't mind seeing The Players played at #2? They could even rotate as a compromise.


Re: Two post Pinehurst questions
« Reply #77 on: June 24, 2014, 12:08:38 PM »

Sorry if this has already been asked, and maybe it's a little heretical, but am I the only one that wouldn't mind seeing The Players played at #2? They could even rotate as a compromise.

You realize the PGAT owns Sawgrass,right?

Russ Arbuthnot

Re: Two post Pinehurst questions
« Reply #78 on: June 24, 2014, 12:17:33 PM »
Yes, but that doesn't stop me from dreaming, right?


Re: Two post Pinehurst questions
« Reply #79 on: June 25, 2014, 10:41:43 AM »

Odd that Bandon is where I joined you and your friends on a buddie trip.

Pinehurst is now nothing more than a playground for the rich.


Bandon is difficult and costly to get to.

The cost of lodging and each round has to be accounted for as well.

I'm not so sure that the total price to get to and play Bandon vs Pinehurst is so different.

What is a fact is that courses that hold US Opens see an increase in play leading up to and after the event.
And, at a resort, why wouldn't you increase the price to play once the announcement is made.

If Bandon was named the site of the 2018 Open, do you really think that the pricing would remain the same ?

I do believe that golfing demographic is well aware of Bandon and Streamsong.

I honestly am floored by the notion that this was the first US Open played on brown fairways. It will take some patience on my part to see the evidence of what I believe is a bait and switch.  Every course in the country can be firm and brown for a month of excellent play. The proof will be in the pudding, ie...mud
