We finally capitulated to the shade, wear and tear from a large dog and rambunctious four year old, and poor maintenance, and have decided to install artificial grass in our tiny backyard. I have torn off a 25 ft by 7 ft strip on the side to use as a practice putting green. I'm going through the design with our installer now, and I thought to tap into the GCA expertise for any suggestions that you may have. Ideally, I'd like to be able to practice the various combinations of uphill, downhill, left-to-right, and right-to-left putts, but I recognize that our space limitations are going to force us to make some tradeoffs.
See below the proposed diagram that our installer sent. Please weigh in! The one piece of relevant information that doesn't show up below is that there is a 1-2% slope running away from the house toward the alley. Thanks!