For me, golf revolves around 3 axis's.
1) Who I'm playing with.
2) Where I'm playing.
3) How I'm playing.
I used to focus way too much on how I was playing. Focusing on shooting as low of a score as I can, regardless of where I played (mostly norcal munis, that would be a -1 on the Doak scale). However, golf became much more enjoyable once I started focusing on the other 2, and stopped focusing on how I was playing. And when I played with folks I love, and places I love, I generally played well. If I played with folks I didn't enjoy, my game generally suffered. The holy grail is to play somewhere you love, with people you love, AND to play well. However, you shouldn't let how you play ruin your round when you have one of the other 2 dialed in. More times than not, the how well you play axis fails. Let's face it, almost all of suck in the grand scheme of things. Do you let that ruin a round? Again, for me, golf is most enjoyable when I focus on where I'm playing and who I'm playing with.....everything else is gravy. My 2 cents on "how often I take a round seriously".