If you're offended by having to take a golf cart, skip Harbor Shores. But this fall they should redo their temperature pricing (green fee based on the high that day) and my brother and I really like the place. I admit it took a couple rounds but I think it's really fun to play, the conditioning will be great, and when you consider that it used to be toxic waste, 3M square feet of abandoned factory space, and a general crud hole...it's a neat transformation.
However you've got some phenomenal options if you can get on P 'o Woods, or the others too. Neil makes a great recommendation for the Warren Course. If you like a classic walkable course it's great, although others think it's a little bit of 400+ par 4 after 400+ par 4.
Lake Michigan Hills can be fun, but conditioning wise won't be in the same world as the others mentioned.
Please note though, that if you make it out to Pebblewood which is very near New Buffalo, you MUST wear a shirt. This can apparently throw off some first timers and required a sign. (photo props to my brother Will's fiance Nicky). I wanted to make sure you're prepared. Others will have to let you know if this is the case at the Dunes, because I haven't made it out there yet...probably?

- PJ