Well, it's good to know that Brightly hasn't made a mistake here!
I never said that the Redan at NGLA is not a great golf hole. It may be one of the coolest holes that I have ever played and I LOVE the natural way it sits on the land. In fact, it is one of the best examples that I can think of to distinguish Macdonald's work from Raynor's when true gca.com morons (

) attempt to say that "MacRaynor templates" are forced upon the land.
It's just that when considering Redans, I prefer uphill Redans because I think that fits better with the "fortress" nature of the hole's defenses. Downhill Redans are fun because the roll of the ball is increased, but I take away points. I don't think a downhill Redan can be called great, just like I can't call Old Macdonald's great because I don't like the kickmound. Cool golf hole? ABSOLUTELY. Great Redan? No.
I will be making my first visit to Scotland this August and I will finally get to see North Berwick's Redan. I'm curious to see how my perceptions of other Redans might change after seeing NB's.