There is no way to make a golf course more difficult on better players and not commensurately so for the lesser golfer
OK,you and Tiger Woods go play TOC in 25 mph winds. You also have a professional caddie to give advice.
Which of you shoots closer to your average score?
Tiger, by a lot lot lot.
What people seem to overlook is that there is no upper bound for lesser golfers, particularly if we are counting every stroke under tourney conditions.
Similarly, in arguments past, the counter argument to my side - the winning side, of course

- was that you can only 3 putt so much.
That's crazy wrong. I guarantee you that lesser golfers will 3, 4 and 5 putt greens that are tough. There's an architect who posts on here (who shall remain nameless, unless he decides to out himself) who mentioned 4 putting several times in his first go-round at Oakmont.
I'm a lousy golfer, and I don't 3 putt that often. Put me on an Oakmont or an Augusta with wildly contoured greens and I will 3 putt (and more) at will. Put me on the fastest greens possible at the Bob Hope and I will 3 putt about as often as I always do.
I am more than willing to go to Augusta on short notice to formally test this hypothesis.
Apologies about JK, I was trying to draw out the other participants to the prior bare knuckles brawl.