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Re: The Known Unknowns
« Reply #50 on: April 26, 2014, 12:59:10 PM »
"I never beat a well man in my life" - Harry Vardon


Re: The Known Unknowns
« Reply #51 on: April 26, 2014, 01:35:56 PM »
I saw an interesting article yesterday that had colored maps showing where the borders between baseball team allegiances.  For example, people in Hartford CT are Yankee fans in the majority while just north are Red Sox fans.  The dividing line between them is called the "Munson-Nixon" line, for Thurman Munson and Trot Nixon.  

The dividing line between Dodger fans and Giants fans is just north of San Luis Obispo.  That's probably as close as you could locate that line between Northern and Southern California, which I propose we call the "Mucci Line."

(The fan data was based on analysis of Facebook data).

You forgot the "Southern California" San Diego Padres

They have an insignificant fan base compared to the Dodgers, as do the Angels.   Padres are hemmed in by the border, ocean, LA and the desert.    The A's don't fare much better vs the Giants.

Jim Kennedy just posted one map.  Jim, can you post the link to the whole article?

Sorry Pat, no football.


Re: The Known Unknowns
« Reply #52 on: April 26, 2014, 03:32:53 PM »
Here you are Bill:

p.s.  My CT. zip code shows 50% NY Yankees and 28% Red Sox, but that's because 50% of our housing supply is owned by weekenders from New York City. The Red Sox are in the majority from late afternoon Monday to early evening on Friday.  ;D  
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 03:39:44 PM by Jim_Kennedy »
"I never beat a well man in my life" - Harry Vardon

Steve Okula

Re: The Known Unknowns
« Reply #53 on: April 26, 2014, 04:15:47 PM »
Here you are Bill:

p.s.  My CT. zip code shows 50% NY Yankees and 28% Red Sox, but that's because 50% of our housing supply is owned by weekenders from New York City. The Red Sox are in the majority from late afternoon Monday to early evening on Friday.  ;D  


I find those graphics fascinating. Being originally from CT myself, I always considered the Connecticut River, running north/south down the center of the state, as the line of demarcation between Boston and NY fans in all things sports - baseball, basketball, football, etc. From your link, the River is indeed the line for most of the state. I also find it curious that the Mets in fifty years have not gained a foothold in the Nutmeg State.

That said, and to bring the thread back to something golf related, one can't be too careful. A couple of years ago I went to pay a visit to the GCS John Robideaux at Winged Foot. Naively assuming that I was heading into the heart of Yankee territory, I proudly donned my navy blue NY baseball cap, only to arrive at John's office and see, much to my dismay, not only a Red Sox pennant but a poster that declared flatly, "Yankees Suck!".

John was most gracious. After informing me I was wearing an ugly hat, he presented me with a Winged Foot logo cap, and otherwise treated me cordially.
The small wheel turns by the fire and rod,
the big wheel turns by the grace of God.

Anthony Butler

Re: The Known Unknowns
« Reply #54 on: April 27, 2014, 09:36:32 AM »

The Great Karnack cannot reveal all of his secrets.

I ruled out the resort and public courses to start with


Correct me if wrong, but I recall naming the club without using the word 'Valley' at least a page prior... You know it's the kind of place where Don Rumsfeld would feel comfortable, because it's pretty much the only club in America where you would be considered a pinko... Simply for the crime of knowing where MSNBC is on your cable box. :)


Re: The Known Unknowns
« Reply #55 on: April 27, 2014, 10:38:52 AM »
The quote can also so often be applied to many private club committee members.  They really don't know what they don't know about their course but have a tough time accepting such.  especially when it comes to trees etc. ;D
"just standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona"


Re: The Known Unknowns
« Reply #56 on: April 27, 2014, 12:35:59 PM »

The Great Karnack cannot reveal all of his secrets.

I ruled out the resort and public courses to start with


Correct me if wrong,

OK, I'll correct you, you're wrong

but I recall naming the club without using the word 'Valley' at least a page prior...

Let's see if we understand this.   You "named" the club "without naming it"
Interesting comment

You know it's the kind of place where Don Rumsfeld would feel comfortable, because it's pretty much the only club in America where you would be considered a pinko... Simply for the crime of knowing where MSNBC is on your cable box. :)

I was watching MSNBC a short while ago when Melissa Harris Perry declared, in words to the effect, that people should get over it and be happy that their "crappy" health plans were cancelled.   The fact is that the Obamacare plans are "crappy"

Under the "Bronze" plan the deductible for an individual is $ 5,000, $ 10,000 for a family.
Can you imagine a family earning 59,000, or 79,000 or 99,000 having to spend that kind of money before getting some reimbursement.
And the premium for that plan probably runs in excess of $ 5,000.   Affordable ?   What a joke.
And, the provider networks are narrow with many of the best hospitals and physicians excluded, and there's NO OUT-of-Network coverage.
"Crappy" is a more apt description of the Obamacare plans, but flaming Liberals like MHP are trying to glorify and tout Obamacare and it's "crappy" policies.   
