do I understand the concept correctly that I can't play alone? I always have to either bring a guest or arrange a match with another member?
That would probably keep the "lone wolf" away and also those who play infrequently due to time constraints. So most of my points are moot then 
Yes you play Match play so either 2 or 4 people play together.
The other thing is that people make it a day out with lunch or diner with the person you play with, be it another member or a guest.
The goal is to have groups of friends join, to encourage members to bring guests, and finally to have a good "booking" system that allows you to find other members thinking of playing the same day. The airline KLM has a similar system where you can see which other interesting people are on a flight to say NY, and you then can request to sit next to them if they OK it.
The whole idea is to provide people with a place they can go and play golf and socialise 6 times a year for a much lower price than a full membership.
Not everybody wants to eat at a all you can eat restaurant for 35 euros, some prefer a tapas restaurant where each little dish costs 3 euros and you have 5 dishes......