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Rob Curtiss

Re: Play Oakmont Country Club - April 21, 2014
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2014, 06:07:00 PM »
Did any GCAers play in this event. I was hoping to see some pictures from the event.

Jon Cavalier

Re: Play Oakmont Country Club - April 21, 2014
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2014, 08:12:55 PM »
I played in this event. And as soon as I can figure out how to post pictures, I'll share a few.

The event itself was great. Nice people, enthusiastic group. Absolutely perfect weather. Each player had his/her own caddy, which was a nice touch. I found the club to be very welcoming. The staff was very friendly and helpful.

The downside was that the course conditions were pretty far from peak. I say this knowing full well that in the northeast, we are coming out of a brutal winter and many of our courses have been slow coming back. Tee to green, the actual playing conditions were fine. The fairways were pretty firm and fast, and everything was green. The fescue wasn't up, which probably made the course play a bit easier.

The biggest impact -- and I know that this will cause a lot of people who considered playing but did not to breathe a sigh of relief -- was on the greens. Apparently the club chose not to cover the greens this winter, and it showed. There were easily noticeable aeration holes on all greens. Some greens had significant sandy patches or areas that appeared to still be dormant. The worst green was the third. The greens were also pretty slow - maybe running 8. They were very puttable, but they were not Oakmont greens.

In short, I had a blast at this event - I am very glad I played and I would do it again. However, I am sure there were people who signed up expecting to play the course under tournament conditions with greens running 15 - those people were surely disappointed.
Golf Photos via
Twitter: @linksgems
Instagram: @linksgems

Jim Nugent

Re: Play Oakmont Country Club - April 21, 2014
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2014, 11:51:25 PM »
Jon, your report makes me wonder why they don't hold the event later in the year, when the course is almost certain to be in better shape, with the greens rolling at full Oakmont speed.  Don't want to take that time away from the members?

Nigel Islam

Re: Play Oakmont Country Club - April 21, 2014
« Reply #28 on: April 29, 2014, 12:07:44 AM »
I played Oakmont on November 8th last year and they had not aerated as of then. I suspect that and the bad winter might have combined to create the circumstances.

Michael George

Re: Play Oakmont Country Club - April 21, 2014
« Reply #29 on: April 29, 2014, 09:21:38 AM »
Oakmont has not been the same since the US Women's Open.  They lost greens at that time.  Since then, I understand that the superintendent has been very hesitant to get green speeds back to what the Oakmont members expect (rightly or wrongly).  
« Last Edit: April 29, 2014, 09:23:20 AM by Michael George »
"First come my wife and children.  Next comes my profession--the law. Finally, and never as a life in itself, comes golf" - Bob Jones

Jon Cavalier

Re: Play Oakmont Country Club - April 21, 2014
« Reply #30 on: April 29, 2014, 10:52:12 AM »
Jim - agreed.  Holding the event later in the year would certainly raise the chances that the course would be in better shape.  However, I got the impression that Oakmont is typically in good shape by late April, and that this winter, which was particularly harsh, had a greater-than-normal impact on the course and the greens.  And again, the rest of the course was in pretty good shape.

Nigel - based on the look of the aeration, I would guess that it was pretty recent.  Maybe late March or even early April.

Michael - that's interesting.  Though to be clear, this wasn't really an issue of the greens simply running slow.  The issue was more with the overall condition of the green surfaces, which were aerated and sandy.  The third green was probably equal parts grass and sand.

The strange part was that I played Fox Chapel and Pittsburgh Field Club the following day, and their greens were in much better shape.  Field Club's greens were close to peak form, and Fox Chapel's were basically as good as it gets for April.  Very odd.

With all that said, I do want to reiterate that the event was fantastic, that Oakmont is a great course, and that I am glad that I played.  However, I am looking forward to going back in August and giving it another crack.
Golf Photos via
Twitter: @linksgems
Instagram: @linksgems

Nigel Islam

Re: Play Oakmont Country Club - April 21, 2014
« Reply #31 on: April 29, 2014, 04:55:21 PM »
Fox Chapel did agressive aeration the week before I went to Pittsburgh(November 1?). For a brief moment I had visions of playing Oakmont and a Raynor in a two day period. Thankfully I think Fox closed the course sparing me the decision of whether I was going to play an "aerated" Raynor ;)
