One man's meaningful impact on finances is another man's drop in the ocean. As an advocate of cheaper golf in general I am all for slower greens and healthier turf which requires less inputs. What sort of saving that is I don't know, but I do recall a super on here it was more than most people think if in a hot climate or hot season.
Mind you, I have very rarely played these courses with very fast greens. I hear a lot about rolling this and that and I think a lot of time its lies, inexperience, obfusication or a combo of the above. For instance, at Mid-Pines last fall we had a conversation about the speed of the greens. I thought they were slowish, maybe 8. Another guy thought they were more like 9 or 10 even. I didn't buy it and a few days later at Old Town the greens were much faster and I highly doubt they were 12ish (I guessed 10.5ish). I guess the point is most of the time, we are guessing based on our own experience. At my club I am told the greens rarely roll above 10 and are usually 8-9. They don't strike me as quick, but they are faster than most greens I encounter. But I have never watched anybody measure our greens.