In breaking news, Jason Thurman is now GCA's Colin Cowherd!
America is dumb. SportsNation had Florida, Michigan State, Arizona, and Louisville in the Final Four, with Florida beating Louisville in the championship game. How's that working out?
It's funny that we complain so much about the rankings, but then our bracket has almost no true upsets. This is an obvious one. Seminole has gotten by for years on mystique, while Southern Hills is one of the great parkland courses in the world. Seminole is Duke and Southern Hills is Wisconsin. One trades on the selective memory of people who remember Grant Hill and forget about Lehigh and Mercer, while the other has a reputation for being out of vogue stylistically but is surprisingly attractive when you stop and watch it play. Southern Hills is Final Four material, and Seminole is ripe for Katow-Jo.
I'm seriously a little bummed that this matchup can only happen metaphorically. I've never been so sure about an upset pick in my life.