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Jerry Kluger

Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« on: April 01, 2014, 03:49:11 PM »
i was speaking with my neighbor and he told me that his father lives in Georgia at Reynolds Plantation.  I asked him if he had played the Jim Engh course, the Creek Club, and he told me that he had and enjoyed it very much.  He then told me that his father and his friends don't like playing it too often as it is too easy and their handicaps get too low to be competitive.  I haven't played the course but from what I've seen it has quite a bit of containment mounding which I would imagine could make the course very forgiving.  I really don't know if it is too easy or if the course rating and slope are too high.  I know far too many courses at communities like Reynolds where the courses are too difficult for the members/residents so to me this would be a good thing to get more people playing golf.  Do you know of other courses that are "too easy"? 


Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2014, 03:54:04 PM »
Unless they were all shooting consistently in the low 60's I'd say the course isn't too easy.  Not having a handicap that travels well is a horse of an entirely different color.  Sounds like I don't want to get into a big money match with your buddy's dad and his friends!
Golf is a game. We play it. Somewhere along the way we took the fun out of it and charged a premium to be punished.- - Ron Sirak

Mac Plumart

Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2014, 03:58:06 PM »

I don't know if a course has ever been "too easy" for me, but I totally get where your father is coming from in regards to The Creek Club.  I've played there a few times and from the first time on, my scores there never felt "real."  The first time I played there I was maybe an 18 handicap, so breaking 90 was a BIG deal.  I think I shot 84 at the Creek.  Seemingly every miss hit would roll back down into the fairway (or on the green) due to the mounding.  I couldn't hit a shot that would end up with a bad result...[ever see the commercial with the guys playing golf and the dog hiding in the woods brings all their mis-hits out on to the green?  The song "Blue skies, nothing but blue skies come my way" plays in the background].  That is what playing at The Creek Club feels like to me.

As far as other ones...not that I can think of now.
Sportsman/Adventure loving golfer.

Dwight Phelps

Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2014, 04:03:27 PM »
my scores there never felt "real."

This is what it is for me. The first 18 hole course I ever played and the course I learned the game on now falls into this category for me. Partly due to it being relatively easy, partly due to familiarity, my scores no longer feel 'real' on this course - I'm usually at least 5 strokes better than anywhere else regardless of how well I've been playing at any given time. Don't care about my handicap getting 'too low', but now a round there always ends up feeling like I'm spinning my wheels and just coasting downhill, which isn't the most satisfying golf feeling I've ever had.
"We forget that the playing of golf should be a delightful expression of freedom" - Max Behr

Chris Wagner

Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2014, 04:13:18 PM »
I wouldn't go as far as saying too easy, but playing Jim Engh's Fossil Trace I felt as though I was not punished for miss hits. The only way it seemed I would be severely punished would be to miss the mounding on the opposite side. It seemed that the ball funneled to the fairway or green when they maybe shouldn't of. It was one of the better scores I ever shot and also did not feel as though I worked for it. It has been a while since I played the course.


Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 04:25:34 PM »
While slope ratings are hardly perfect, at least in theory the relative difficulty/user friendly qualities of a golf course are taken into account and plugged into handicap calculations.

As a matter of psychology, it has often been my experience that guys who play hard courses - and invariably do not have the intellect to play from the correct tees - find it hard to break through to a really low score on a comparatively easier golf course. Their brains are not used to shooting five shots below their (stealing from David Owen) "Usual Game."

Years ago, I heard that Lanny Wadkins would sometimes play the regular markers at Preston Trail to get himself psychologically ready to go low. Yes, playing a cupcake most of the time and then suddenly getting horsewhipped at Oakmont is certainly a challenge, but in my view, the most important thing to keeping your game sharp is teeing it up at a variety of different courses.

The Creek Club in GA obviously carries a course rating too high relative to its resistance to scoring. By contrast, I've played courses like Del Rio CC in Brawley, CA that - though barely 6000 yards of dry fairways (par 70) - are maddeningly hard to undress. An average 3 handicapper can sometimes shoot between 70-74, but with tiny greens and a frequent desert wind, once things start to go sideways, it is easy to shoot 80 or more. Yet, the SCGA course rating is 67 with a slope of 115. In reality, a legit 3 anywhere else ends up carrying a 6 . . . . . . . which travels pretty damned well.  


« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 12:53:42 AM by Gib Papazian »

Jerry Kluger

Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2014, 04:40:19 PM »
I remember the Green course at the Golden Horseshoe in Williamsburg as having quite a bit of containment mounding around the fairways which made it feel easy and I believe that was Reese Jones.  The Engh courses I have played did have some containment mounding but it was around some of the greens.  I am a big fan of Engh's Blackstone in AZ which has a really good variety of quality holes. 

Thomas Dai

Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2014, 08:07:34 AM »
When putting on a green with a pronounced slope you know which way it's going to break whereas a green that appears to be dead flat to the naked eye probably isn't really flat at all. Maybe more more pronounced plays easier.

Rich Goodale

Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2014, 08:30:33 AM »
Punchbowl greens make a hole much easier, but they are lots of fun, because of the relief element.  But, that being said, if you miss a punchbowl green and make bogey, they screw your head every which way for the rest of the round.......
Life is good.

Any afterlife is unlikely and/or dodgy.

Jean-Paul Parodi

Jim Sherma

Re: Can certain features make a golf course too easy?
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2014, 08:42:40 AM »
Agree with where this thread is headed. Courses that have gathering greens play much easier than courses where the greens roll-off on all sides. one of the courses at my club is a circa 1970 George Fazio that was built with the intent of holding a tour event. Almost every green is built up from its surroundings with roll-offs on all sides except some of the bunker edges. (4 greens are benched into hillsides and the roll-offs are constrained to the downhill sides - the rest are as described) It is a very demanding course to score on because anything less than a very well flighted and struck shot just won't stay on the green. Only very accomplished players can hit many greens over the course of a full round. If the greens are playing firm it is one of the most difficult courses to score on that I have ever played.
