I'm gonna start a magazine, just so I can have a rankings issue -- but only one such issue, ever. And I'm going to select raters, but there will only be 4 of them, and never more than that: Brett H, Sean A, Shel and Don M. They will play 150 classic courses over 3 or 4 years (and while they are doing that I'll just fill the magazine with long-formed and superlative writing, nothing under 10,000 words, by me and my friends). When they're done, I'll have Brett, Sean, Shel and Don rank the best classic courses, and that will be it. It will never have to be done again, since no new courses will ever be added to the 'classic' category and since, well, excuse me, but if a course hasn't proved its worth in 40 or 50 or 60 years, it's not going to do it next week.