Eric - F.U.N. thread!
I do not think Cap'n Sims is wrong in his view that the Red course has better flow, that's his view and I happen to concur. However, I believe the exercise at hand is a hole-to-hole contest. In the Sandhills, there are a ton of great holes and many seem surprised how high many hold the White course. Me? I'm proud of them both, they "feel" and play different, and that is a good thing. Variety abounds and (to me) sameness is an utter bore.
I do think Cap'n Sims (having previously spent time with him) probably would have chosen different words rather than the appearance of questioning motives of the people participating in, and adding to, the thread. They too, are entitled to their opinion on what looks to be a fun oriented thread. We aren't curing disease here.
I also think its cool to see both members, guests, and people who were involved alike excited about special and unique golf holes. That really is the name of the game. So far, not a stinker in the bunch! I bet some here are surprised!
My own opinion is the Red
may be the best course built in a very, very long time, and it certainly needs some time to mature. Unique and truly outstanding site, outstanding architecture and flow, great variety and fun holes, a lot of turf to mow but innovative in spades. Simple, beautiful. All who played it last year did so when the course wasn't officially open, and we have added a cool bridge to ease a walking constraint so I expect to see Lou do so this June

. We'll see how she comes out of winter and then determine when we will have the official opening - we have no reason to be in a hurry. It may be this year, it may even be next year. These things take time, just as it takes time to learn a course.
My own scorecard:
Hole 1: Push between to very fun starters.
Hole 2: Red wins +1 with an outstanding hole. White may catch up after some enhancements under consideration.
Hole 3: Push between two neat 3 pars.
Hole 4: Push between two really fun yet hard to compare holes.
Hole 5: Red wins +2, White may close the gap after some enhancements under consideration.
Hole 6: Red wins +3, White may win after some enhancements under consideration.
Hole 7: Push on two challenging 4 pars. I do love the distant blowout backdrop on Red 7!
Thanks again, Eric. Passion matters!