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Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« on: March 13, 2014, 08:49:27 AM »
I will be heading down to Bermuda next month with the wife and want to sneak in a round of golf one morning.  I know Mid Ocean is widely considered as the cream of the crop but I was wondering if anyone knows much about Port Royal.  Port Royal is the cheaper option and seems to be on a nicer piece of land with a few holes right on the ocean.  Mid Ocean is known for their great greens and has more architectural merit than PR, but being that I’m only getting in one round I may prefer to soak in the good views at Port Royal as long as the course has more to offer than just that.

Any comments and suggestions would be welcome - thanks.

Brad Tufts

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2014, 09:12:46 AM »
The views are similar, but the courses are actually quite different design-wise.

Both are incredibly scenic with ocean views, views off property to the surrounding hills, etc.

Mid-Ocean has the history advantage, as the course originates with CB MacDonald and Seth Raynor, and contains the roster of template holes.  It is a Golden Age design in all aspects with push-up greens and strategic bunkers.  Yes, it is expensive, but incredibly memorable.  You will not be disappointed.

Port Royal is modern through and through, an RTJ course dating to the 70s.  It was recently refurbished and strengthened, and it is a very difficult test of golf.  Greens are elevated, bunkers are deep, and the greens fee still is not low.  No one hole at Mid-Ocean is as scenic as #16 at PR, an all-or-nothing par three on the cliffs, but M-O would win a hole-by-hole match play handily.

If given 10 plays, I would probably go 8-2 in favor of Mid-Ocean, and that might be generous.
So I jump ship in Hong Kong....


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2014, 09:20:49 AM »
Full disclaimer:  I played Mid Ocean, only looked at a few Port Royal holes.   Play Mid Ocean, it's a don't miss.  Some of the best renditions of MacRaynor holes I've seen. 


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2014, 09:23:23 AM »
Thanks, Brad.  Very helpful.  

Greg Tallman

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2014, 09:49:33 AM »
You will have an enjoyable day either way. I always had fun playing port royal.


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2014, 09:56:50 AM »
I played them both in the fall.  Port Royal is beautiful and worth playing.  Candidly, i didn't find it to be all that difficult.  But you have been given the correct advice regarding Mid Ocean.  It is a cut above.  as far as interesting topography, it is at least as interesting as Port Royal and the routing makes better use of the elevation changes.  But Port Royal has a set of par 3's that are visually stunning.  You will enjoy both.  If you are interested in architecture, it is no contest. Choose Mid Ocean.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 10:34:42 AM by SL_Solow »

Terry Lavin

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2014, 10:17:18 AM »
I'm playing Mid Ocean in the early part of May.  The Ran review in "Courses by Country" is proof positive of the special nature of the topography, the views and the assortment of template holes.
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people.  H.L. Mencken


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2014, 10:53:13 AM »
Mid Ocean 9-1
but I'd go mid Ocean 4, Tuckers Point 2, Port Royal 1, Belmont 1, Riddle's Bay 1.St George's 1(if not NLE)
If I had 10 days
Port Royal not all that special, corporate feeling.

Tucker's Point has grown on me over time
"Let's slow the damned greens down a bit, not take the character out of them." Tom Doak
"Take their focus off the grass and put it squarely on interesting golf." Don Mahaffey

Mark Saltzman

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2014, 11:04:03 AM »
Golf in Bermuda good enough to warrant a 5 day golf trip?

Doug Wright

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2014, 11:15:39 AM »
Golf in Bermuda good enough to warrant a 5 day golf trip?

Mark, I don't think so. Play golf there if you happen to be there for other reasons not as a primary reason to go. And there are many other reasons to go to Bermuda, it is a beautiful island.

I agree with the Mid Ocean vs. Port Royal comparisons above, i.e. there is no comparison. Play Mid Ocean if you can and Port Royal as a second option if you can't. 
Twitter: @Deneuchre


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2014, 11:22:35 AM »

As consultant to Mid Ocean, I can strongly recommend it, though I'm obviously biased.

I'm curious to hear others' responses to this question, though, and to Mark Saltzman's last question, too.  A friend in the Bermuda government asked me the same question recently ... they are trying to decide whether to make a major push to promote golf tourism, and I have not played enough around the rest of the island to answer the question of whether the golf can hold up its end of the bargain.

Tourism to the island is down significantly over the past 5 years, which is a shame because it's a beautiful place, and so easy to get to from the east coast.  I was there the week everybody got stranded on the roads in Atlanta due to ice storms -- it was sunny and 75 degrees at Mid Ocean!

Brad Tufts

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #11 on: March 13, 2014, 11:41:54 AM »
It's almost like they need one more flagship course of quality to make it a great golf destination.  This notion is admittedly absurd due to the scarcity of available land, and due to the large amount of land already used for golf.

Mid-Ocean is truly great, Port Royal is good, Tucker's is not bad, and the other two 18s are fun but nothing really special.    Riddell's had some D. Emmet involvement way back when so that is one additional point it its favor.  Belmont was totally redone about 10 years ago and is enjoyable if a bit nutty.  St. George's was a funky little course that sadly is probably NLE.

Personally, I think the GCA-er would have fun playing all 5, as long as expectations after the top 2 are tempered.  A 5-day golf trip would probably be a day too long, although BDA isn't a 36/day sorta place.  There are many other things to do to occupy time other than golf in BDA both on the island and in the ocean around it.

For the avid golf-playing US public, the 5 courses are plenty in quality and challenge...but the bottom three do not have much name recognition, even on the east coast only a 2 hour flight away.

Maybe some of this would change slightly if that 18-hole 6000y project ever gets built over the old St. George's?  Maybe not!?
So I jump ship in Hong Kong....


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #12 on: March 13, 2014, 11:46:47 AM »
Mid Ocean is a special place. If you only have time for one round on the island it's worth the difference in price to play Mid Ocean over Port Royal.


You could spend 5 days in Bermuda fairly easily. Rounds at Mid Ocean, Port Royal, and Castle Harbor (or I guess it's Tucker's Point GC now). Riddell's Bay is a pretty fun old golf course, albeit short. Couple that with an afternoon or two hanging on the beach and you'll have a nice vacation.

Greg Tallman

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2014, 12:11:49 PM »

As consultant to Mid Ocean, I can strongly recommend it, though I'm obviously biased.

I'm curious to hear others' responses to this question, though, and to Mark Saltzman's last question, too.  A friend in the Bermuda government asked me the same question recently ... they are trying to decide whether to make a major push to promote golf tourism, and I have not played enough around the rest of the island to answer the question of whether the golf can hold up its end of the bargain.

Tourism to the island is down significantly over the past 5 years, which is a shame because it's a beautiful place, and so easy to get to from the east coast.  I was there the week everybody got stranded on the roads in Atlanta due to ice storms -- it was sunny and 75 degrees at Mid Ocean!

With limited access to Mid Ocean leaving Port Royal and Tucker's Point as the only courses that would be seen as "real" golf courses by teh vast majority of the golfing public they might have some trouble in marketing a week long stay but if Mid Ocean were to work with the tourism board to some degree a 4 night stay and play package would be a winner as the setting, quality of golf and local hospitality add up to a wonderful experience.

As others state there is additional golf that is enjoyable but not to the level the US golfing public is ready to build a trip around. Perhaps for the golf nuts they could work in second round/afternoon plays at Belmont, Riddel's, Southhampton and even Ocean View (9).

As discusson here before I would love whoever winds up developing the ST George's project (old Club Med) to take a flyer on doing a 12 hole course on the land that was the 18 hole, basically executive course. Nice land and you could get 12 really good golf holes there.


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2014, 12:54:11 PM »
I haven't been to Bermuda in some years but staying at a cottage at Mid Ocean I was loathe to leave.  I would prefer MO about four to one  to one over PR.

Prices may well have changed since 1997, but a taxi ride to just about anywhere on the island was $16.00. The driver inevitably
coined a $4.00 tip. I have seen no strong push from any party clamoring for independence from the UK. 


Joey Chase

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2014, 03:40:45 PM »
Given five rounds in Bermuda, I would play two at Mid Ocean, one at Port Royal, Tuckers Point, and Riddel's Bay.  Mid Ocean is definitely on the best land for golf on the island.  There are several spectacular greens at MO.  I am partial to Macdonald's work and it has many of the best features found on his courses. 

Port Royal has the great views on the back nine but is also quite cramped in a lot of places.  The 16th hole is spectacular, but I enjoy other holes as well especially the 7th, a reachable par 5 that slightly doglegs left from an elevated tee to a raised green.  The bunkers, especially on the back nine, were made deep as a result of all of the wind that is a constant in Bermuda.  When we rebuilt the course, we were asked to make the bunkers deeper as they couldn't keep sand in them.  I played the Southampton executive course shortly after arriving and saw what they were saying.  It looked like there was a fresh, heavy coating of topdressing next to every bunker on the course in a sustained 30 mph wind.  I would enjoy the chance to get back there.  When I lived there I was living in one of the beach houses behind the 16th green...  not too bad!

Riddel's Bay would be my third choice.  It has a real old feel to the course and has a few cool little holes.  Tuckers Point just feels a bit too severe in most places for golf, IMHO.  There are some cool green complexes there though.  I guess that was a long winded way of saying that I would play any one of the courses, if I was in Bermuda again. 

I met Steve Smyers last year at an opening of the Evian Golf Course and he mentioned his possible involvement in the project at St. Georges.  He did also mention that it had been continually stalled, so I guess it's a wait and see.


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2014, 03:46:51 PM »
I met Steve Smyers last year at an opening of the Evian Golf Course and he mentioned his possible involvement in the project at St. Georges.  He did also mention that it had been continually stalled, so I guess it's a wait and see.

You could be waiting a long time.  There is no momentum going for it at all.  The community of St. George's is struggling now after the cruise ships stopped docking there, and they are pushing for the government to resuscitate the golf course, but there isn't a developer who wants to put the money into it.

Greg Tallman

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2014, 04:05:08 PM »
I met Steve Smyers last year at an opening of the Evian Golf Course and he mentioned his possible involvement in the project at St. Georges.  He did also mention that it had been continually stalled, so I guess it's a wait and see.

You could be waiting a long time.  There is no momentum going for it at all.  The community of St. George's is struggling now after the cruise ships stopped docking there, and they are pushing for the government to resuscitate the golf course, but there isn't a developer who wants to put the money into it.

Original development deal is dead, Bazarian's development deal/260 year lease was repealed by the government who may or may not be looking for another developer.

Tom, You should convince your government contacts to fund the redesign and construction of a 12 (or however many quality holes) the site would yield in hopes of attarcting an investment group for the hotel/development site.

Joey Chase

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2014, 04:23:02 PM »
The big ships are now making port at Dockyards, couldn't be further from St. George's.  It's tough for a developer to put the kind of money needed into that property.  It is a shame, considering the closer proximity to the airport.  Why couldn't something work there?  The small peninsula that jets into the sea is spectacular. 

John Crowley

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2014, 01:21:32 AM »
I visited Bermuda twice annually for about 20 years. Also am 8 or 9 to 1 favoring MO.

Tom Doak,
Am not sure the golf could hold up its part of the bargain for architectural interest.
But for the average vacationing golfer, yes.
The Southampton Princess 18 hole par 3 course is worth a play before some of the full size courses.
May be a couple of 4's on it, don't remember.

IMO MO's redan 17th(?) is one of the best and the Cape 5th is classic.


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2014, 07:28:20 AM »
Tourism to the island is down significantly over the past 5 years, which is a shame because it's a beautiful place, and so easy to get to from the east coast

Agree that it's a shame - my wife and I honeymooned there and always have enjoyed visiting (went there as a kid and she/I visited 3 times).

The issue I've always seen is that Bermuda is so dang expensive and fewer and fewer flights to get there. Cost of living on the island for those that live there is horribly high and resulting labor costs trickled down into the tourism economy.  The island reeks of charm and class. However, I've found that the properties risk being dated and not that luxurious. Its hard to justify $400+ flight each, $400/night + expensive meals for a getaway that isn't far away and good, but not great.

Matthew MacKay

Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2014, 07:55:11 AM »
Just spent 3 days in Bermuda playing everything but Belmont.

Mid Ocean is head and shoulders above anything else. I preferred Riddells over Tuckers or Port Royal…walkable course with some very cool greens.

If I were to return, I'd probably play all my rounds at Mid Ocean, maybe pop over to Riddells for a round.


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2014, 08:13:59 AM »
The masses have spoken and I have listened.  I booked a round at Mid-Ocean.  Next question - is the course very walkable?  I'm recovering from a ruptured Achilles and will most likely take a cart as I don't think I will be able to walk 18 holes.


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2014, 08:20:34 AM »
The masses have spoken and I have listened.  I booked a round at Mid-Ocean.  Next question - is the course very walkable?  I'm recovering from a ruptured Achilles and will most likely take a cart as I don't think I will be able to walk 18 holes.

though the course is old school, the terrain is rugged, with a lot of climbs and descents.
One thing about Bermuda is it's carts on path everywhere anyway, so you'll be doing your share of walking.

Tucker's Point did not initially appeal but It is my second favorite course in Bermuda-lots of classic old holes from the old course-a few pedestrian ones-take a cart as there a few routing issues
"Let's slow the damned greens down a bit, not take the character out of them." Tom Doak
"Take their focus off the grass and put it squarely on interesting golf." Don Mahaffey


Re: Bermuda: Your thoughts on Mid Ocean vs Port Royal
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2014, 10:04:18 AM »
The masses have spoken and I have listened.  I booked a round at Mid-Ocean.  Next question - is the course very walkable?  I'm recovering from a ruptured Achilles and will most likely take a cart as I don't think I will be able to walk 18 holes.

though the course is old school, the terrain is rugged, with a lot of climbs and descents.
One thing about Bermuda is it's carts on path everywhere anyway, so you'll be doing your share of walking.

Tucker's Point did not initially appeal but It is my second favorite course in Bermuda-lots of classic old holes from the old course-a few pedestrian ones-take a cart as there a few routing issues

You'll probably want to take a caddy.  We weren't offered a choice but that was 20 years ago.

My buddy and I had a double looper.  On the first fairway a squall blew through out of nowhere.  We all three huddled together, backs to the gale and rain.  Five minutes later the sun was shining.    The view from the elevated tee on the fifth hole is one of the great scenes in golf.   It's truly a Cape hole with the green jutting out into Mangrove Lake 430 yards away. 

If that doesn't get you to Mid Ocean, nothing will!   ;D
