Chris Johnston,
Get over yourself. I was discussing broad issues, and using Sand Hills as an example. I have no interest in discussing Dismal River or anything else with you.
you brought Dismal River Red into the thread. You then asserted that my participation here is to "market"...and I thought the thread was about walkability

You have stated no interest in considering, discussing, or reading what another member of this board shares relative to
the thread? Yep, if you ride in a cart to a course, you must obviously ride when you get there...sorry, but that assertion is silly out here. By your same thinking, it makes me glad we don't use buses to get people to the course!
I really wish I lived in your black and white world, David. Like most here, the world is full of colors. Different places do things the best way they make the game enjoyable for the folks they serve...we call them members and guests. In fact, faithfully serving people is the business we are who want to bring their dog...young players....players getting up there in age...Fathers (and mothers) who bring sons and daughters....good players...serious players...and serious players who bring with them not so good players. These are pretty universal in the
real world of golf.
Thankfully, we get a only a few idiots or bullies from time-to-time and, even then, do our best to be sure they have a good experience. You might understand it better if you saw it in practice, but I suppose it's easier to assert silly untruths and attack those with a different view which is actually based in reality. If I may many times have you played Sand Hills? Have you played there enough to use it as an example? Have you even walked it?
I'd love to see the hard and fast rules of architecture to which you seem to adhere, so feel free to post them. I acknowledge that we all like what we like, and want to play the way we do. The only things I've have seen is that every course has several things in common...a set number of holes, on each of which there is a beginning and an end. I've never played two holes the same, and love to see the variety in architecture. It's a big world, a great game, and among the many gifts of the game are in studying (if you wish), practicing, learning, playing, and playing with people you enjoy. I've yet to see perfection in architecture, but confess I'm drawn most to that which I like.
Fact is, there is no single template for a course, no set rules for how you must play any hole from beginning to end...variety abounds. We are lucky for that. I feel for you, for you always seem far harder than is necessary on this great "discussion" site.