Matt, all I can add to Neil's summary is that the planned fuel reduction burn off is back on the agenda. Parks and Wildlife had hoped to do this around the last quarter of 2013 but it was either too green after winter, too windy (as always around that time is Tasmania) or too hot.
I noticed a sign up on the entrance this week saying that the burn was going to be happening. The good part is that this will not only show the contours of the land under the 2 foot high grass but will hopefully address the issue of aboriginal heritage requirements for the site.
Musselroe bay went quiet for about 5 years. There was mention made of it again last winter but I cant say I looked into it that closely to see if the plans were the same (ie still clayton design etc). I think the hope was for construction to start mid 2014 but we all know how elastic those dates tend to become. I suggest that Mac would be your best source on that one.
I wonder if MB proceeding would have any impact on the 3rd course at Barnbougle- in particular start time and choice of architect.