Get the conditioning right on a good course and it will be a match for any great course.
Absolutely spot on in my view (surprise, surprise eh Sean?!). You start with the turf. Eveything else is secondary.
+2, +3 and +4
Why then do we criticize the great unwashed when they evaluate a course based on its condition ?

Because they don't actually rate a course on condition, they rate it on appearance.
Just think about it for a moment. I spent last summer listening to people tell me the course was in a bad condition because the fairways were brown. So, one after another I tried to get them to realise that what they were describing weren't actually negative conditions but just an appearance their eyes had picked up on.
Time and again, when asked to reconsider what they had subconsciously swallowed from the industry at large......
"How were the conditions to play on though?"
"Actually, it was lovely out there."
It's really just old news to us but debunk the myth that good golf looks green and suddenly seventy five year old ladies begin to realise that they enjoy being able to run the ball along the ground.