A 1927 article discusses the old Royal Palm course (The Miami News - Aug. 28, 1927), noting a bit of quirk in its nine holes.
The article notes the Miami CC course was built when "the park was depleted of its bunkers and sandpits," but gives no mention of the timing. It does note that the old course went out of existence around 1915, and that the new Miami CC was built with 9 holes at first followed by nine additional holes three years later. I am guessing this is a reference to the Ross course, but the mention of the original course playing right near the hotel runs contrary to accounts of the original Miami CC having been laid out a good distance from the hotel, so that golfers had to take a boat or horse and buggy to reach it.
There is also a bit of history on Carl Fisher's Miami Beach courses, including that the original Miami Beach GC was initially intended to be only five holes. The article also suggests that the Miami-Hialeah course was conceived around 1915 (which runs contrary to the articles posted earlier in the thread discussing a later date for its construction).
Other items to note:
-Both the Miami-Hialeah and Miami Beach GC courses are noted as having been turned over to the city to be used as Municipal courses.
-The Flamingo Course had been abandoned by the time the article was written.
-Bay Shore, La Gorce, Miami Biltmore (2 courses), Golf Park have been constructed.
-Two courses were in the works in Hollywood.
-Fort Lauderdale had two courses at this point.