Thanks Greg, all.
Yes after 15 years hiding out in the off season out east coaching Little League and youth hoop, I'm back in the instructional saddle-besides my regular clients and junior programs here at my club.
It's great to be back with Jim McLean, my long time mentor, who never rests, and is a tireless researcher of ALL methods, and is willing to call BS on BS, and has walked the walk as a player and a teacher for many years.
Though McLean's fond of playing Darth Vadar music due to my spotty internet,remote location and reappearance, I'd say Rip Van Winkle's a better comparison.
It's amazing how much social media and technology noise is out there. The last 3 months doing research on guests has been a real eye opener.
Shocking how many people are involved in the game improvement industry now, not just pros, but TEAMS of technology, fitness, mental, biomechanical, clubfitting and equipment experts out there.
The jury's still out on much of it, but this dog is willing to look at new tricks, if a bit dubious of many.
It's still comes down to the clubface, the path, speed, and center contact-no matter how many electrodes you hook to the student
Kicking and screaming- joined the social media world---kind've
Under duress from my McLean,even posted a Tweet-joined facebook, but don't know what to do with it.
The one slightly unfortunate thing is that this topic needs the OT next to it.
When I was originally approached for the show, it was supposed to be instructional with a hint of golf travel and architecture.
However, it has morphed to "all instruction, all the time" due to a few things beyond my control.
That said, if/when we get a bit more established, I hope to do segments and have experts on architecture and talk about the great, and more importantly unique, courses out there-and hopefully tie it all in together with instruction.
Suggestions welcome-
I know it's golf instruction---on the radio.......zzzz
I'd much rather discuss the merits of Goat Hill Tim