If you google Mulranny golf club, their website pops up, On it there are instructions to email them if interested in helping.
I did this three days ago and have heard no reply.
I mentioned Tom's offer in my email and I also think someone else pointed it out because Brian Keogh of "Irish Golf desk" had a note on his websitte referencing Tom as well
I suspect they are having internet and power issues with the weather they've had, as well as their hands full dealing with the mess.
(and it is rural Ireland.....
i also sent a tweet about the situation @jeffwarnegolf and retweeted @Irishgolfdesk info about Mulranny
I'll await Mulranny's response, or a link on their website to donate, or lI will ump in my donation by PMing Tom as he suggests.
Thanks Tom for bringing it to our attention
Spread the word