Jon, sorry for the lethargic response, but here it is - the last one.
Well done for keeping an open mind too, but I'm no expert (like most on here) on currency etc. So I'll never convince you on this one.
What I can give is my own assumption of what WILL happen in the event of a Yes vote. viz ; The Scottish gov't AND Westminster WILL commence immediate negotiations and I believe we have something like two years to complete such negotiations for the parting of the ways. Whoever the Westminster gov't may be (?) they may well continue to decline joint currency, so Scot gov't will have to sort out something else (Euro, keep the pound, own currency so we can have world dominance etc..

) Of course there is a long way to go till the referendum and we could see Westminster up the stakes and, somehow, make it completely impossible for a joint currency to be negotiated ? That would be dumb IMO, but it would provoke a Plan B response from the Yes side. The plan B everybody on the No side wants so much.
ANYBODY who thinks that Westminster will not negotiate is crazy. Let's not forget - they're all politicians ! (Yes and No)
I predict that Labour WILL offer something to the Scottish electorate very soon. Why ? Because, stupid as they are, they KNOW that the Status Quo will not cut it with the voters.
The EU debate is interesting too, where the No's want all these certainties of life but who couldn't predict the winner of the last race at Pontefract (YESTERDAY !) You and I know there are only two certainties in life...
And then we have the contradiction of the No's telling us that we will be out of Europe when the UK gov't is planning a referendum to possibly take the UK out of Europe. Hypocrisy, or what.
Finally, I've heard some naysayers say that this little baby should be put to bed, once and for all and that people are getting sick of all the politics. Well I've got news for them. Approximately one third of the Scottish electorate support independence and I can predict (with CERTAINTY) that we aint going away if it's a No vote ! We'll just have to regroup and start all over again.
Don't have a problem shifting new parliament to Perth, Stirling, Aberdeen, Kirkwall, or maybe Carlisle if they decide they'd like to join us.
As there wont be as many politicians, we'll be able to keep a closer eye on the buggers.
And all this is non-negotiable. Must be turning into a neggy person ? (Lurker)
Hope Scotland treats you well Jon in whatever you do and signing off.
ching ching cheerio.