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Rob Curtiss

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2014, 12:08:04 PM »
Sounds awesome Joe.
Thanks for all the work on this.
Is Black Creek still in the mix as well?
Cant wait to meet everyone at this get together

Joe Sponcia

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2014, 12:56:20 PM »
Yes sir, Black Creek is still on for Sunday.  We will go out after member traffic is clear, most likely around lunch.

"If the hole is well designed, a fairway can't be too wide".

- Mike Nuzzo


Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #27 on: February 22, 2014, 09:25:07 AM »
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. It sounds like you guys have a great extended weekend in store.
"Perimeter-weighted fairways", The best euphemism for containment mounding I've ever heard.


Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2014, 11:55:43 AM »

And if staying at the Stone Fort Inn,  you are only a block away from  The Honest Pint.

They have great draft Smithwicks, and a few other Irish beers, and all the Irish whiskies, darts, real pool tables (like up north !),  and great live music on the weekends.   It is a pretty young crowd (for me) but is a ton of fun.

Hey Doug,  will ye not come back and post on GCA ?


Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2014, 01:41:27 PM »

If there is room,  please put me down as playing at  Lookout Mountain on March 29.  If there is not room in the GCA group, let me know.


If you have room,  I would like to go to Battle Creek/Sequatchie Valley GC.....Saturday morning ?

Also >

I missed the hotel relocation a few blocks away to the READ House.  You are still only a  PAR 5 away from  The Honest Pint.  It should still be in the mix for a visit if staying at the Read House.

A great cheap Italian place is  Tony's Pasta   in the Bluff View Art District,  just about 2 miles from Read House.    Tony's has homemade breads and pasta, and is inexpensive.  Tony's is on the high bluff above the Tennessee River.  It is just up the hill from the Aquarium.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 01:48:29 PM by john_stiles »

Joe Sponcia

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2014, 02:06:25 PM »

If there is room,  please put me down as playing at  Lookout Mountain on March 29.  If there is not room in the GCA group, let me know.


If you have room,  I would like to go to Battle Creek/Sequatchie Valley GC.....Saturday morning ?

Also >

I missed the hotel relocation a few blocks away to the READ House.  You are still only a  PAR 5 away from  The Honest Pint.  It should still be in the mix for a visit if staying at the Read House.

A great cheap Italian place is  Tony's Pasta   in the Bluff View Art District,  just about 2 miles from Read House.    Tony's has homemade breads and pasta, and is inexpensive.  Tony's is on the high bluff above the Tennessee River.  It is just up the hill from the Aquarium.


I've got you down.  I just emailed Ari about playing Saturday morning at Battle Creek.  Rob has reached out as well so probably just need to see who and when?  The Honest Pint has AMAZING wings.  i always like for a group to visit Burns tobacconist.  The upstairs with pool tables and multiple taps is a good spot as well.  Tonys is really good!  Agree.  Read House was much more accomodating rate-wise than Stone Fort plus we can all stay in one place for those traveling.  Glad you can make it John.

"If the hole is well designed, a fairway can't be too wide".

- Mike Nuzzo

Philip Caccamise

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2014, 04:59:48 PM »
I am very interested. Easy drive for me and two courses I've wanted to play for quite a while. Just need to confirm it is a free weekend (looks good right now.)

Rob Collins

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #32 on: February 28, 2014, 02:16:22 PM »
Sunday morning works best for me to meet people at Battle Creek / Sequatchie.  I think Ari is available on Saturday, though, if that works better for the group.  My wife has the grand opening for her new business that Saturday - so, the best I could do would be to possibly come out and quickly say 'hi' before you tee off.

Let us know your nighttime plans - I know Ari and I would like to come meet the group out on the town.

Looking forward to it!

Rob Collins
@kingcollinsgolf on Twitter
@kingcollinsgolf on Instagram

Rob Curtiss

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2014, 02:29:40 PM »
Either day works great for me. I cant wait to see what you have done with Battle Creek / Sequatchie.

Joe Sponcia

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2014, 04:55:32 PM »

A few things: 

1.  We are currently sitting at 21 GCA'ers for the trip.  Our Friday is filled at the moment.  If someone drops and you would like to be on the list for Friday, please let me know as soon as possible. 
2.  If you would like a room at the Read House downtown, we have a special negotiated rate of $99.  This is one of the nicest properties in Chattanooga.  Very old, historic place.  I have to give them a reasonable number of guests to hold for us to get this rate.  If you have any intention of going, the earlier you let me know the better so I can give them an accurate head count and ensure we get their best deal.
3.  Reminder, and I mean this in the kindest way:  This trip is only for GCA participants.  No secret handshakes, but from some of the emails I have received...this isn't a buddies trip to replace Myrtle or Hilton Head. 
4.  If you are reading this and have NOT made a contribution to the Golf Club Atlas website, please do so here:  It is the least we can do for the free space and historical archive this site provides.
5. Let me be the first to offer an excuse for poor play ahead of time!  I have bad tendonitis in my left wrist and fought it all last year. I am currently seeing a Mr. Miyagi-type doc that swears I can hit balls hopefully in two weeks as he 'cleans' my tendons with his bare hands (story to follow when we meet). 

I am really looking forward to meeting everyone...and Lookout is really excited to have us, so join us if you can.

"If the hole is well designed, a fairway can't be too wide".

- Mike Nuzzo


Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #35 on: March 07, 2014, 10:50:09 AM »
John Stiles: The rumors of my death have been exaggerated.
Joe Sponcia: I look forward to seeing everyone at the end of the month. I will be as entertaining as I know how. I have at least one pretty cool artifact to share.
Doug Stein

Joe Sponcia

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #36 on: March 14, 2014, 11:32:05 AM »

I just sent everyone that I think is confirmed for the trip an itinerary.  One addition and awesome change is Sunday morning...Rob Collins, Architect of Sequatchie Valley, will meet us at the club in the am to discuss his thoughts on the building process of the course - and he has comped us for our round!  Immediately after, we can head to Black Creek for lunch and our final round.

With the trip just two weekends away...I'm getting excited.  We still have room for anyone that would like to play, even if for a day.  Let me know if you didn't receive the email sent this morning.  Otherwise...see you in a couple of weeks.

"If the hole is well designed, a fairway can't be too wide".

- Mike Nuzzo


Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #37 on: March 14, 2014, 11:58:13 AM »
What would you guys like to have for lunch at Black Creek? I can arrange something special; the food is very, very good. I need to know how many, and will then be able to offer options for food and cost.
If there are going to be just a few, we can eat off the menu.
I look forward to seeing everyone.
Doug Stein

Jason Thurman

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2014, 10:15:05 AM »
Doug, I'm on kind of a weird diet during Lent - a byproduct of being married to The Fastest Woman in Cincinnati is that my house is already set up on an athlete's diet, so this annual season of deprivation leaves me to choose between giving up basically every food of convenience or not participating at all, which in my family equates to just being a party pooper.

I'm already planning to cheat a bit in Chattanooga, which I was clear about before Mardi Gras. That being said, I will be trying to avoid all refined flours and sugars. If Black Creek can make a sandwich on whole grain bread with whole-food toppings and an unprocessed side item, I'll be all over it. If they can't, I'm personally at peace with cheating. I'm just not sure if Jesus or my Aunt Sister Alice are at peace with it.

Either way, assuming the price is reasonable, I'd be happy to lunch at the club.
"There will always be haters. That’s just the way it is. Hating dudes marry hating women and have hating ass kids." - Evan Turner

Some of y'all have never been called out in bold green font and it really shows.


Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #39 on: March 17, 2014, 01:45:16 PM »
I will check on it- I am sure they can accommodate.
My wife gave up wearing earrings and coffee for Lent.
I decided to add something good for me this year rather than give something up something bad. I meditate every morning.

Joe Sponcia

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #40 on: March 18, 2014, 01:50:48 PM »

Just make sure Thurman gets a greasy burger with extra bacon. 


"If the hole is well designed, a fairway can't be too wide".

- Mike Nuzzo

Mike Hendren

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #41 on: March 18, 2014, 02:36:51 PM »
I have a commitment Sunday and am driving down and back Saturday.  I'm disappointed to miss another round at Black Creek.  Heck, normally I'd drive there just to play the Biarritz - or maybe just to hear Doug Stein pronounce "Biarritz."

Ladies and gentlemen, let me be honest here:  There is absolutely no reason to miss this opportunity next weekend if you liive within a 6 hours drive.  None.  Do it.  Seriously.  And buy me a drink.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 02:38:29 PM by Michael_Hendren »
Two Corinthians walk into a bar ....

Mark Pritchett

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #42 on: March 18, 2014, 02:50:22 PM »

I could not agree more.  I highly recommend this trip to everyone on the board.  Excellent lineup of courses in a great city-what's not to like.  Prior family plans are keeping me from attending.   


Joe Sponcia

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #43 on: March 18, 2014, 03:05:31 PM »
I have a commitment Sunday and am driving down and back Saturday.  I'm disappointed to miss another round at Black Creek.  Heck, normally I'd drive there just to play the Biarritz - or maybe just to hear Doug Stein pronounce "Biarritz."

Ladies and gentlemen, let me be honest here:  There is absolutely no reason to miss this opportunity next weekend if you liive within a 6 hours drive.  None.  Do it.  Seriously.  And buy me a drink.



I've got your first beer so long as you don't stick your pinkie out while drinking.  Pretty sure they just sell normal beer.

"If the hole is well designed, a fairway can't be too wide".

- Mike Nuzzo

Rob Curtiss

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #44 on: March 18, 2014, 03:48:26 PM »
Driving up from Florida to enjoy the weekend. Anybody have any ideas where to play in Georgia- not too far from Chattanooga.

Although I dont think I can beat  Ross/Raynor/Silva and Collins
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 03:50:19 PM by Rob Curtiss »

Joe Sponcia

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #45 on: March 18, 2014, 03:51:51 PM »

Depends on your budget.  I have heard the Farm is very good.  High slope/course rating for the FAZ.

On the cheap, Fields Ferry used to be a favorite in Calhoun GA.

As Nicklaus courses go...the Bear Trace in Chattanooga is pretty good.

"If the hole is well designed, a fairway can't be too wide".

- Mike Nuzzo

Lawrence Largent

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2014, 07:47:47 PM »
Columbus Country Club in Columbus Georgia is a Donald Ross and a very nice track.  It should be on your way up about two hours shy of Chattanooga.


Mark Pritchett

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2014, 07:51:11 PM »
The Farm is well worth a visit.  If you are traveling I-75 I highly recommend Idle Hour in Macon, Georgia.

Rob Curtiss

Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #48 on: March 18, 2014, 10:17:43 PM »
Columbus Country club, Idle Hour and the Farm all look great on their websites, but I dont have any contacts in GA.

will have to find something public.

thanks for the suggestions though


Re: GCA Spring Outing - Chattanooga - Lookout Mountain/Raynor
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2014, 10:33:47 PM »
Columbus Country club, Idle Hour and the Farm all look great on their websites, but I dont have any contacts in GA.

will have to find something public.

thanks for the suggestions though

Stop by my course, the Fields, on I-185 30 miles north of Columbus and will set you up...
"just standing on a corner in Winslow Arizona"
