I don't disagree but pardon my cynicism for a minute. Part of me can't help but believe that numerous posters merely aggrandize and besmirch certain courses to curry favor with the member....in the hopes of either gaining access to said course or ingratiating one self with the masses. Yes, it's a cynical view - but I know it is one that is shared.
Maybe, but don't you think we're all adult enough to be able to form our own opinions as to someone's posts?
The alternative is to try to squelch discussion through any number of different ways - the like/dislike mechanism proposed, the limit on posts method proposed, just plain shouting someone down (not proposed, just implemented

Fwiw, that's the biggest problem I have with the initiator of this thread; too often, rather than simply allowing someone's bs to stand or fall on its own merits, he seems to feel the need to scream out the injustice the rest of us already can see and simply choose to ignore. Give us a little credit, we're not as dumb or racist or biased or whatever as everyone thinks.
To me, simply allowing people to say whatever and allowing the rest of us to judge accordingly is far better than any of the alternatives.