It was a proper spring day in the upper Midwest! Actually, it was a bit brisk up at Craig's Porch and Messers Coore and Crenshaw deserve credit for braving the elements and greeting the inaugural guests. Vaughn Halyard, Jason Way, Peter Korbakes, Dan Moore, and many others were there. The course looks and plays great, and I've enjoyed each successive round more than the prior. The staff was wonderfully welcoming and cheerful. The pulled pork/beef taco/brat slider trio is the best $4.50 lunch you'll ever enjoy. We played 72 holes over three days and I finished the 72nd hole with the same ball that I used on the first. Michael and Chris Keiser, Glen Murray, Josh Lesnik, C&C, and the local Adams County citizens and administrators all deserve a hearty round of applause for bringing Craig Haltom's vision to fruition. A job exceptionally well done.