Hello all,
As part of continuing my fantasy golf tour into 2014, I am looking into a long weekend at Pebble Beach (what else to do on a rainy Sunday in NYC while waiting for the Eagles to beat the Cowboys tonight?)
I currently have tee times booked at Pebble Beach and Spyglass Hill. I
might have a shot at getting on some of the private clubs in Monterrey/San Fran as well (fingers crossed); worst case scenario I plan to play Pasatiempo on my way back to San Fran before my flight back to NYC (which strikes me as a pretty great "worst case" option!).
My only other requirements are that I get in my rounds at a 2:40 pace. I hear Pebble is good at that
Thoughts? Other/alternative suggestions?
I'd also be happy to hear about any recommendations on non-golf activities; my wife (who doesn't really play but loves California) will be joining me. I am already planning on a drive with her down to Big Sur for one afternoon.